Having a bit of trouble trying to get the emulator to work. I did some
googling and came up with a suggestion to manually uninstall the CF
components for VS through add/remove prog's, reboot, reinstall the CF
components and reboot.
I still get the same error. WinXP Pro says there are problems with the
driver (baloon pops up near sys tray) and will not load them.
Then, VS2003 hanges and throws an exception that there are missing
I also tried installing the pocket pc sdk 2003 directly from MS's
website as well.
I'm brand new to VS so it could be something I'm doing wrong, but I
don't think so since most of the work was done by the installer and the
VS is set to prompt for the deployment platform and running the project.
The project that I am trying to run is a simple form with a button on
Thank you
googling and came up with a suggestion to manually uninstall the CF
components for VS through add/remove prog's, reboot, reinstall the CF
components and reboot.
I still get the same error. WinXP Pro says there are problems with the
driver (baloon pops up near sys tray) and will not load them.
Then, VS2003 hanges and throws an exception that there are missing
I also tried installing the pocket pc sdk 2003 directly from MS's
website as well.
I'm brand new to VS so it could be something I'm doing wrong, but I
don't think so since most of the work was done by the installer and the
VS is set to prompt for the deployment platform and running the project.
The project that I am trying to run is a simple form with a button on
Thank you