Thanks...I'll read these chapters....
"Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]" <p space tobey no spam AT no instrument no spam
DOT com> wrote in message It would be a good idea to know something about how a Windows program
works before you set off to write one. Read a chapter or two from the
old Petzold book, for example, Programming Windows. Chris is telling
you that you can't do what you want without a message pump, which is
automatically there when you build a forms-based application, but which
does not exist in a console application. So, you either need to build
your application as forms-based or you need to build your own message
pump. If you want to do the latter and stay as a console application,
you must have a minimal understanding of what a message pump is...
Paul T.
I don't know much about what are you talking about...please can you give
me any link?
"Chris Tacke, eMVP" <> wrote in message
IIRC, it works via Windows Messages, so you have to have a message pump
to get the notifications. Sleep won't do it - you need to Get and
Dispatch messages from the queue.
Chris Tacke, Embedded MVP
OpenNETCF Consulting
Giving back to the embedded community
Thank you very much. It is very useful!!
It works with windows form but I'm not able to integrate it into my
console application.
Please, I need help! Where I should put this code?
POOMHelper.OutlookItemChanged += new
void POOMHelper_OutlookItemChanged(PIMNotificationMessage
notification, PIMItemType itemType, int itemOID, int databaseOID)
switch (itemType)
case PIMItemType.Calendar:
My Console application:
class Program
static Timer timer= new Timer();
static void Main(string[] args)
timer = new Timer();
timer.Interval = 500;
timer.OnTimerTick += timerTick;
Thread timerThread = timer.Start();
for (; ; )
class Timer
// Delegates
public delegate void Tick();
// Properties
public int Interval;
public Tick OnTimerTick;
// Private Data
Thread _timerThread;
volatile bool _bStop;
public void SleepIntermittently(int totalTime)
int sleptTime = 0;
int intermittentSleepIncrement = 10;
while (!_bStop && sleptTime < totalTime)
sleptTime += intermittentSleepIncrement;
public void Run()
while (!_bStop)
// Sleep for the timer interval
// Then fire the tick event
public Thread Start()
_bStop = false;
_timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run));
_timerThread.IsBackground = true;
return _timerThread;
public void Stop()
// Request the loop to stop
_bStop = true;