----- Herfried K. Wagner [MVP] wrote: -----
* "=?Utf-8?B?UnVkeQ==?= said:
Having problems getting the PMT function working. I'm new to
programming, and I read the tech notes On how to set up. But it still
doesn't work. Can somebody just give me an example the proper way to set
up. I'm woking on a LOAN program.
What's the problem?!
Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]
Sorry, didn't mean to be vauge. Here is my PMT function that I set up.
Function Pmt(ByVal interestRate As Single, ByVal Months As Single, ByVal LoanAmount As Single)
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim LoanAmount As Single
Dim LoanPayment As Single
Dim InterestRate As Single
Dim Months As Single
LoanAmount = LoanAmounttxt.Text
InterestRate = interestratetxt.Text
Months = monthstxt.Text
LoanPayment = Pmt(InterestRate / 12, Months * 12, LoanAmount)
MonthPaymentstxt.Text = LoanPayment
Everytime I run my program, I just get a 0. I have no syntax errors and it builds OK. I have been reading conflicting articles. Some say Dim as Single, other say Dim as Double. And I have been trying to find an example of this type of program that I can see what I'm doing wrong. Compare notes. I'm not even sure if I'm doing the PMT function right. I did import SYSTEM.MATH. Again, I'm new at this, and making this program on my own, and not doing a lab like I have been or the past year. This is the first time at writing my own program without copying it from a book. I though it would be good expierence.
Thanks for your interest.