Hi Lukenson,
EA means that you should avoid opening any other programs
before you run the game to avoid any potential conflicts.
Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
Jimmy S.
Visit my MSN Games and Windows Gaming Help Site:
MS Games Help and Support Center:
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
Lukenson Wrote:
| I have updated my drivers but it still does that sometimes. I read some info
| from EA games that said to quit all backround applications. What does that
| mean and how would i do that?
| "Jimmy S." wrote:
|| Hi Lukenson,
|| Updating video card drivers can solve most gaming issues. Here's some
|| simple abc's to always keep in mind. a. Shut off download accelerators,
|| firewalls and antivirus programs when downloading or installing updates;
|| b. Check for game patches:
|| c. Make sure you meet the game's minimum video and system requirements.
|| Before you update your drivers, I recommend that you update DirectX
|| from:
|| Here are the steps I recommend you use to update your driver:
|| 1. To identify the make and model of your card, right click your
|| Desktop, choose Properties / Settings / Advanced / Adapter.
|| 2. Download the latest video driver for your card online, using
|| to find the website to download from. I also have advanced
|| video driver and direct X troubleshooting steps on that page.
|| 3. Save the .exe driver (or extract the zip file) to a folder
|| in My Documents named after the driver version number.
|| 4. Restart the computer in Safe Mode by pressing the F8 key
|| about once every second as it's rebooting to pick Safe Mode.
|| 5. Click Start / (settings) Control Panel / System / Hardware
|| Device Manager / expand +Display Adapters / right click on
|| the adapter, pick "Uninstall", and click No if asked to reboot.
|| 6. Use Control Panel / Add-Remove programs to uninstall the
|| previous driver (exe)software which may have been installed.
|| 7. Restart the computer in Safe Mode by pressing the F8 key
|| about once every second as it's rebooting to pick Safe Mode.
|| 8. If the driver is NOT a (.exe)program file, GO TO step 11.
|| 9. When Windows prompts you to install the video adapter, click
|| "Cancel" and Double click the driver program to begin installation.
|| * Even if not prompted, doubleclick the driver and install it.
|| 10. After you reboot, go to Control Panel / Display / Settings and
|| choose 32 bit Color Quality, and 800x600 or higher Resolution.
|| That's it! Scroll down to the Troubleshooter if you have problems.
|| 11. When Windows prompts you to install the video adapter, click
|| "Install from a list or specific location", click the "Browse" button,
|| browse to the My documents folder where you saved the driver,
|| and finally click on one of the driver files to begin installation.
|| ** If you are not prompted, or if the driver was updated automatically:
|| Click Start / (settings) Control Panel / System / Hardware Device Manager
|| expand +Display Adapters / right click on the adapter, pick "Update Driver"
|| to start the Update Wizard, choose the "Install from a list..." option:
|| Browse to My Documents\ folder with the driver in it
|| Click OK and click Next to begin the update.
|| 12. After you reboot, go to Control Panel / Display / Settings and
|| choose 32 bit Color Quality, and 800x600 or higher Resolution.
|| That's it! Try the advice in the Troubleshooter if you have problems.
|| Test your drivers using DXDiag: Click Start / Run / type: DXDIAG
|| Click the "Test" buttons in the Display, Sound, Music & Network Tabs;
|| If any of the Display options are Disabled and you cannot Enable them,
|| your most likely solution would be to update your Chipset Drivers as per
|| my website:
|| Your program might not support dual monitors, or "dual head" video cards
|| You can disable the extra video output in your display properties control
|| panel. Click Start>Settings>Control Panel>Display>Settings>Advanced.
|| Along with your Video card, Sound Cards, Motherboard Chipsets,
|| and Video Monitors may also require updated drivers. Even your
|| motherboard's BIOS may need to be updated for compatibility with
|| your Video card. These steps are listed at:
|| Perhaps the old Video drivers did not completely uninstall. If that's the
|| case, use these utility to completely uninstall the drivers and go to step
|| 7:
|| nvidia:
|| or for all cards including nvidia use:
|| The latest video drivers sometime don't work with a particular game.
|| (Check the Video suggestions in the readme.txt file in your game folder/CD)
|| If there's no suggestions, try an older (WHQL) driver, and/or if you still
|| experience problems try a Beta driver, or even an Omega driver instead:
|| BETA Drivers:
|| OMEGA Drivers:
|| There you have it, if you have any questions feel free to post them!
|| Cheers, Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User
|| Jimmy S.
|| Visit my MSN Zone.com and Gaming Help Site:
|| MS Games Help and Support Center:
|| My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
|| _________________________________________________________
|| Lukenson Wrote:
|| =================
||| I just switched from apple to Windows XP mostly for gaming so i don't know
||| much about Windows. I have battlefield installed and now when i open it, it
||| goes into full screen mode and then it minimizes into the bottom bar. when i
||| try to bring it back up it just minimizes again. Can someone tell me whats
||| going on/how i fix it?