Terry said:
At boot, I get a message from the SCSI card saying that I have one
drive installed.
I don't see any message when I plug in the SATA. The SCSI message is
the same.
It will get to the boot and I get a message.....Boot from CD
I know what is happening, I just don't know how to fix it. It is
trying to Boot from CD. If there is no boot disk in the drive, it
will pause and have to hit enter to get it to boot from SCSI.
When I plug in the SATA I still get .....boot from CD. When I press
enter then it tries to boot from the SATA, but because there is no
boot section on the drive it never tries the SCSI.
I need an option to boot from SCSI (or other) at 1st boot, but there
isn't one.
Thanks for you time
OK, this is the first thing I found, after trying to find info on support
sites, that suggests what the problem is.
The suggestion is, that the BIOS cannot deal with more than one "SCSI-like"
With just the SCSI controller connected, can you boot from SCSI ?
When you plug in the SATA, do you lose the ability to boot from SCSI ?
Based on the above thread, I would be tempted to buy a SATA controller
card, and plug that into your computer. Don't use the SATA on the motherboard.
Now, you have the option of repositioning the SCSI card and the add-in SATA card.
Controllers are enumerated in slot order. If the SCSI card is in "PCI Slot 1",
it is supposed to be enumerated first. You would position the SATA card in slot 2
or some lower slot.
The problem with peripherals on the motherboard, is they are not strategically
positioned, so that you can use the PCI slot numbering to influence the order
the controllers are seen in. The motherboard chips would likely all be "above" the
PCI slots, and get checked first.
By testing a separate SATA controller card, you are trying to position the
SATA "below" the other devices.
That is the best I can find so far, and is not a very practical solution.
You should contact Supermicro Tech Support and verify this suggestion,
before wasting money on a new SATA card.
Also, according to Rojakpot, and also this separate document, "Boot Other"
doesn't do what I thought it does

It controls whether the entire
three boot options are tried or not. "Boot Other" disabled, is only supposed
to honor the contents of "Boot First". When "Boot Other" is enabled, then
all three boot options "Boot First", "Boot Second", and "Boot Third" are
At the moment, as near as I can tell, there is no explicit control of SCSI.
So I'm not sure whether it appears ahead of other potential boot devices
or behind them. Perhaps Supermicro Tech Support can help clarify. I was
not able to find a FAQ entry on the Supermicro site that addressed the