Pls include build # in your subject header

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vista Tester
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Vista Tester

Between "unofficial" interrim releases and new CTPs, things are going to
start to get confusing. It would be really helpful if people would include
the build numbers as part of their subject header...
Good idea, although in a perfect world, we shouldn't need to do that
because as this is the public newsgroup, people would only be posting
things about 5308 as tech testers would be posting in the tech newsgroups...

Live Messenger FAQs -
Good point. Though, I guess in a really perfect world, s/w would work right
out of the box so no need for beta :)

""Scøtt Lovegrove [ScottIsAFool]""
That's just crazy talk :p

Live Messenger FAQs -

Vista said:
Good point. Though, I guess in a really perfect world, s/w would work
right out of the box so no need for beta :)

""Scøtt Lovegrove [ScottIsAFool]""
Good idea, although in a perfect world, we shouldn't need to do that
because as this is the public newsgroup, people would only be posting
things about 5308 as tech testers would be posting in the tech

Live Messenger FAQs -
You can lead a horse to water, Tester, but you can't get it to drink. Ever
tried to herd cats? This is a public newsgroup, and other than those who
come here regularly to get informmation or give information, very few read
more than it takes to get the answer they want. So, it's a toss-up if anyone
will follow your suggestion.
Nope, someone has to test the code the developers have written. Nobody's
perfect, not even developers.

Vista Tester said:
Good point. Though, I guess in a really perfect world, s/w would work
right out of the box so no need for beta :)

""Scøtt Lovegrove [ScottIsAFool]""
Good idea, although in a perfect world, we shouldn't need to do that
because as this is the public newsgroup, people would only be posting
things about 5308 as tech testers would be posting in the tech

Live Messenger FAQs -
Developers aren't perfect??

Nancy, I'm shocked. SHOCKED! :)

Nancy Ward said:
Nope, someone has to test the code the developers have written. Nobody's
perfect, not even developers.

Vista Tester said:
Good point. Though, I guess in a really perfect world, s/w would work
right out of the box so no need for beta :)

""Scøtt Lovegrove [ScottIsAFool]""
Good idea, although in a perfect world, we shouldn't need to do that
because as this is the public newsgroup, people would only be posting
things about 5308 as tech testers would be posting in the tech

Live Messenger FAQs -

Vista Tester wrote:
Between "unofficial" interrim releases and new CTPs, things are going
to start to get confusing. It would be really helpful if people would
include the build numbers as part of their subject header...
Speak for yourself there Nancy ;)

Live Messenger FAQs -

Nancy said:
Nope, someone has to test the code the developers have written. Nobody's
perfect, not even developers.

Vista Tester said:
Good point. Though, I guess in a really perfect world, s/w would work
right out of the box so no need for beta :)

""Scøtt Lovegrove [ScottIsAFool]""
Good idea, although in a perfect world, we shouldn't need to do that
because as this is the public newsgroup, people would only be posting
things about 5308 as tech testers would be posting in the tech

Live Messenger FAQs -

Vista Tester wrote:
Between "unofficial" interrim releases and new CTPs, things are
going to start to get confusing. It would be really helpful if
people would include the build numbers as part of their subject
I see the developers have been talking to you again, Tester. :-} Don't
believe everything they tell ya.

Vista Tester said:
Developers aren't perfect??

Nancy, I'm shocked. SHOCKED! :)

Nancy Ward said:
Nope, someone has to test the code the developers have written. Nobody's
perfect, not even developers.

Vista Tester said:
Good point. Though, I guess in a really perfect world, s/w would work
right out of the box so no need for beta :)

""Scøtt Lovegrove [ScottIsAFool]""
Good idea, although in a perfect world, we shouldn't need to do that
because as this is the public newsgroup, people would only be posting
things about 5308 as tech testers would be posting in the tech

Live Messenger FAQs -

Vista Tester wrote:
Between "unofficial" interrim releases and new CTPs, things are going
to start to get confusing. It would be really helpful if people would
include the build numbers as part of their subject header...
Nancy said:
I see the developers have been talking to you again, Tester. :-} Don't
believe everything they tell ya.

If they were perfect then then they wouldn't still be developing, unles
it's to some state beyond perfection.

Nancy Ward said:
Nope, someone has to test the code the developers have written. Nobody's perfect, not even developers.

And not even testers! ;)
[quote - "The delivery manager's dilemma" by Gaurav Bhatnagar]
Those of us building the software do not seek any sadistic pleasure in endlessly iterating over it forever. But software always has
scope for improvement. Always! You can never say that a piece of software is perfect. Developers will always feel they could do a
better job with the code. Testers will always feel that the devs didn't fix all the bugs. The interaction designers will always want
to try more ways to make their sofware usable. Project managers will always want to sneak in a few extra features. We are all
perfectionists I guess!

Cheers, Roman