Rich said:
Sony's $50/ea, LiteOn $40, Plextor $120? I know their reputation, but
that seems
a bit too much more to make sense, unless they do something with them
that costs
so much more in production or gives you better reliability and accuracy.
it's funny, I bought a plextor a few years ago (cd-RW at the time) ebcuase
they were supposivly the best, I didn't have any problems with it for about
6 months, my friended needed a CD-RW so I recommended the same drive I did.
I ended up selling my CD-RW to a friend when I got a sony DVD-RW. well the
person I sold it to (who always asks me for computer help) was having a
strange problem about a year later, his computer wouldn't post, for the life
of me I couldn't figure out why. long story short, I unplugged the plextor
and BOOM, it worked without a hitch, plugged it back in, and it would hang
on boot up. I was shocked, strange thing is, a few months later my other
friend (who I orignally recommended the same drive to) had the same problem
and he called me asking for help, I instantly told him to try unplugging the
plextor, and sure enough, it worked... ever since this I've avoided them and
gone with sony or lite on.