Please Welcome ...


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Please welcome



:cool: The PCReview Crew II :cool:
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Welcome to the team RapidEight :wave: - its great to have you with us :nod:
Good stuff, Out of interest, Whats the system spec and did you install BOINC or the WCG Agent? :)

Oh, and the team threads HERE. ;)
RapidEight is a Cruncher

RapidEight said:
AMD 64 3000+

And i'm using BOINC
AMD 64 3000+ should give you good returns, oh and boinc :thumb:
If you have any problems, pc or software ( i don't do marriage guidance:p) just post and someone will help.
Look forward to you crunching with us all :D
Yeah should be fine, nearly finished the second job now, about 5/6 hours each job.

I did scroll through some posts and found the tweak in another post, which i installed;

23/06/2006 1:24:05 AM||Running CPU benchmarks
23/06/2006 1:25:04 AM||Benchmark results:
23/06/2006 1:25:04 AM|| Number of CPUs: 1
23/06/2006 1:25:04 AM|| 1502 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
23/06/2006 1:25:04 AM|| 2808 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
23/06/2006 1:25:04 AM||Finished CPU benchmarks

23/06/2006 1:29:37 AM||Running CPU benchmarks
23/06/2006 1:30:36 AM||Benchmark results:
23/06/2006 1:30:36 AM|| Number of CPUs: 1
23/06/2006 1:30:36 AM|| 2668 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
23/06/2006 1:30:36 AM|| 9273 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
23/06/2006 1:30:36 AM||Finished CPU benchmarks

But other stuff was running on my computer, as it's barely idle. So hopefully it'll still bring in some good results.
RapidEight said:
But other stuff was running on my computer, as it's barely idle. So hopefully it'll still bring in some good results.
I do everything else i would normally do in a day & my pc is fine, you have a quick enough pc, so sit back & enjoy. The benchmarks are fine:thumb:

Look forward to seeing your returns on the daily crunchers stats:thumb: :D