Please Welcome arabicdes


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Welcome to Crunchers Corner

Thanks for joining the Team

:thumb: :cool: :thumb:
Welcome Arabicdes!

Pop in and say hi! :)
Arabicdes, welcome to PC Review, and top marks for joining the crunching team. All help is gratefully appreciated :thumb:
I understand that now, is it safe ie: none of your details are passed on or a way of someone getting in to your pc? If it's such a good thing to do why dont more people do it?

Sorry for all the qestions, but if you dont know, i find it's good to ask than stay in the dark.

Once you have downloaded the software, what next, how do you join the team?
Does it matter i'm not on the net for long periods?
WindyMiller said:
I understand that now, is it safe ie: none of your details are passed on or a way of someone getting in to your pc? If it's such a good thing to do why dont more people do it?
Yep, its totally safe and just uses the idle processes on your machine.

Hundreds of thousands of people do in fact do it on various differing projects, but the reason why more people don't is because its not very well known or advertised - normally you get to know through forums such as this.

It would be good to have you aboard :thumb:

Welcome arabicdes :D

Hope to see you soon WindyMiller :)
PC about to die, seems burning smell coming from in side, could be bad news, signing off, may take a few days/weeks to get new part if needed. Off to work now.:(
WindyMiller said:
PC about to die, seems burning smell coming from in side, could be bad news, signing off, may take a few days/weeks to get new part if needed. Off to work now.:(
I hope its OK - when you are up and running, can you let us know your PC specs please.
