I would like to display a please wait dialog while I perform long processes
in my WinForm. I have a MDI application, so I want the please wait dialog to
be the top form to prevent the users from performing any other functions
within the application.
If I use ShowDialog, and place my lengthy calls within the Dialog form, then
everything would work fine, but I want to have only one please wait dialog in
my application and call it from several forms.
Current I doing the following:
pleaseWait.TopMost = true;
// do long stuff
Unfortunately, pleaseWait.TopMost = true will keep the pleaseWait window on
top of all other applications. I only want pleaseWait to be the top most
window in my application.
Any ideas on accomplishing my goals?
Thanks for reading this long one.
in my WinForm. I have a MDI application, so I want the please wait dialog to
be the top form to prevent the users from performing any other functions
within the application.
If I use ShowDialog, and place my lengthy calls within the Dialog form, then
everything would work fine, but I want to have only one please wait dialog in
my application and call it from several forms.
Current I doing the following:
pleaseWait.TopMost = true;
// do long stuff
Unfortunately, pleaseWait.TopMost = true will keep the pleaseWait window on
top of all other applications. I only want pleaseWait to be the top most
window in my application.
Any ideas on accomplishing my goals?
Thanks for reading this long one.