Please update your Virus checkers - SWEN-A is rampant - and I'm getting squillions of emails.....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robin Tucker
  • Start date Start date
Its a bit late for that though. Its better if everyone patches their


Advisory above. I'm getting approximately 500 emails a day from posting on

Thanks for the link. Same here with the zillions of worm mails per
day, I was already wondering if someone was deliberately mailbombing
me. I'm running MailWasher so I just delete them from the mailbox
without even downloading them but it's still a pain.

Why can't people protect their computers properly? Don't they even
notice that a worm is continually sending e-mails? This could go on
forever if the owners/admins of infected systems don't wake up. :-(
Kieran Benton said:
Its a bit late for that though. Its better if everyone patches their

Everyone? Just the doofuses that were vulnerable.

This is going to give me the impetus over the weekend to upgrade my
spam filter. I have done a conversion that loads statistical data
into PostgreSQL; now I have to get the mathematical part fixed up so
that it calcs things appropriately. (Naive Bayesian filtering is not
particularly trivial...)
500? 1000 so far and counting! all from these newsgroups since the
email address is not used for anything else!

dare i say, bloody idiots who click on the exes and dont protect their
networks. i seem to be getting alot from italy....
Kieran Benton said:
Its a bit late for that though. Its better if everyone patches their
I hate to bring bad news to you... But people have other lives besides
fixing windoze machine(s)... If I had a nickle (.05) for every
"service pack" or whatever they call security fixes. I wouldn't have
to read /. every day.

Advisory above. I'm getting approximately 500 emails a day from posting
on newsgroups.

From a geek's perspective, the virus is brilliantly written, I have
to admit, reading the site you posted. I was shocked by the fact how easy it
is for a worm to install itself over a network as a startup executable by
adding a link to the startup folders of other machines. I never would have
thought of that as a possible security thing (of course, no user should be
able to write into other people's startup folders...)

I fear this thing is among us for a long period of time :(

Or if everone just left Automatic Update on and installed patches when asked
(Granted this should only be used fro security fixes - it includes all the
other crap MS want you to download at the moment). Well how about actually
using/keeping a virus checker up to date? Its a good job this one is
harmless (apart from being infuriating), otherwise it is obvious that the
damage would be widespread.

As regards to the /. reference, have u seen how many breaches of security
have been related to Linux in the past few months? (sendmail, SSH etc.)
Security is by no means a problem confined to Windoze. Oh and before I start
a MS vs Linux flamewar, I'm a dual booter who just happens to prefer the
niceties of VS.NET! :D
