please suggest a formula

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i have 2 dates i.e,
eg: Issue Dt & Expiry Dt. Amount
06.01.10 31.12.10 10000000/-
now i would like to calculate the commission for every quarter from the
issue dt. till expiry dt.i.e, from 06.01.10 next chargeable commission is in
the month of April like that i have to calculate till the expiry dt.
(Amount*.6%)/4+Service tax
so please suggest me some formula wherein if i provide the issue dt. &
Expiry dt. it should give me the commission amount along with the month
automatically till expiry date Eg:- 06/04/10 'X' amount 06/07/10 'X' amount
till 31/12/10....

In cell D1 enter 06/04/2010
in E1 enter
and copy across through F1:N1

Ensure that you have valid Excel dates in A2 and B2 e.g. 06/01/2010,

then in cell C2 enter
and copy across and down

Salestax represent your sales tax figure as a % value

I don't fully understand this question but here's a start. To get your dates
put this in a cell and drag right

=MIN(DATE(YEAR($A$2), MONTH($A$2)+COLUMN(A1)*3, DAY($A$2)),$B$2)

You will now get the 4 dates ending with 31/12/2010

Not this is where i'm confused because nothing seems to be happening to the
original sum so isn't the formula the same for each month


Where servicetax is a named range containg the tax rate

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the