Please stay on topic

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew Brown [MS]
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Andrew Brown [MS]

Hi all,

Some threads are starting to go a little off-topic into personal attacks.
Please stay on the topic of this newsgroup which is Microsoft's Movie Maker

Mr Brown,

As I have repeatedly told you. The topics become abusive because some one (ME)
dares to stand up and say that the info being given out is wrong.

Are you now saying that I am not entitled to tell someone they are wrong?

Are you saying that when personal info is included in replies from rehan that I
am not allowed to respond to the personal remarks he makes??? and that they are
allowed to keep doing it?

Why could you not find evidence...out and out rubish...published by rehan in
the messages I indicated to you? Its taken you a long time to post this
message. Why are your personal messages so threatening and yet in here you try
to look reasonable.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
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