Please read before asking for support!

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Feb 23, 2002
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If this is your first visit to the Forums, then welcome! You must be registered to post a new thread in the forums.

To help us help you, please make sure you provide the following information when asking a technical question about your PC:
  • Operating System: e.g. Windows XP or Windows Vista
  • Anti Virus Software : e.g. AVG Free, Norton
  • Anti Spyware Software : e.g. AdAware, Microsoft Defender
  • How do you connect to the net : e.g. ADSL (router?), 56k Modem
  • Your Computer Specifications - This is very important!!
If you are unsure of your system specifications you can download SIW here which is a free tool that can give you all of the information you need to know. If you aren't familiar with your system, things to mention from SIW are : Motherboard vendor and model (motherboard tab), physical memory (system info tab), CPU name (CPU info tab), Video Processor (video tab).

If you think you have a virus/spyware on your system that you can't remove using the normal tools then please be sure to attach a HJT log from here. This will help us diagnose applications that run at startup.

Please be sure to post your query in a new thread
in the correct forum section. Some of the more common sections you may need to post in are:

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