Please Rain


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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Never thought I would ever say that but I really mean it. Preferably throughout the night with a fine sunny day to follow. :)

It seems like forever since it rained here and everything has turned a shade of brown which is not pleasant to the eyes. The ground is like concrete and having clay soil doesn't help one bit. I have huge cracks in the lawn and borders and the plants look unhealthy.

Will anyone join me in urging the Rain Gods to get their fingers out and provide some relief?

Yeah I agree, I love the sun, but we do need a downpour.

I'm down just outside London's west side. I honestly can't remember the last time it rained. The grass outside isn't grass, its hay. the plants are dying and we need a good thunderstorm to clear the air!
Well done Taffycat. Luverly rain here. Mind you it could have waited till Tuesday I was going to have a ride out today on me Royal. :lol:
I can stop dancing now..? That's good, the neighbours were beginning to give me funny looks. :lol:

I think you will have to do a bit more, TC. I got 20 minutes of the finest drizzle which barely wet the ground. 10 minutes after it stopped it had all evaporated away. :( Soil penetration - nil. :D
We had some rain on Friday, but not a massive amount. It was forecast to rain today but nothing so far! Can you teach me your rain dance @Taffycat?! :dance:

I never thought I'd be living in Manchester and hoping for rain... :lol:
We've been having a prolonged warm sunny spell haven't we? No rain in SE London since I can't remember and all the grass is straw.

Come October there will still be a section of the British population who will exclaim:

'Can't remember the last time we had a summer'

'Sunshine? Here? You gotta be kidding'

'We never get a summer'

You see, the Brits like to moan, be it sunshine, rain or snow, the Brits will moan.

Never happy - must be in the genes, maybe dates back to 1066.

Myself, I prefer this to week-long rainy spells and it's a million times better than snow.

Bring it on :)
It was raining all day yesterday where I was working in Crosby. Raining here this morning as well again in Birkenhead. Lovely and cool... ahhhhh
OK, stop with the rain dances, it's raining here again!

Well, you did a great job, TC. :thumb:

Tremendous thunderstorm last night when we were in the pub and for a couple of hours after we got home. Got drenched. :D

That will certainly make the weeds grow again. :D
OK, stop with the rain dances, it's raining here again!



I certainly don't mean to whinge, I'm sorry if it came across that way. I just like everything in moderation - sun is great, but we need a bit of rain from time to time :)

We've got a hosepipe ban starting on 5th August... :(