Please, How to make IE web pages LESS WIDE??

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Is anybody else tired of using the bottom slide-bar just to READ a web
I have changed the text size to the smallest, and I still can't see
the whole page!
I've tried using Page Setup and widening the right margin to four
inches but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

Maybe I'm tweaking the wrong controls?

I have Windows 2000 with a 14-inch monitor.

Thanks in advance, New
New said:
Is anybody else tired of using the bottom slide-bar just to READ a web
I have changed the text size to the smallest, and I still can't see
the whole page!

Short answer... you can't do anything about it beyond what you have already

This is a common complaint (or the opposite -- people with large monitors who
see blank space on the right). It is the fault of the webpage developer, and
you should let them know.

More details and explanation here:
I have changed the text size to the smallest, and I still can't see
the whole page!

Is it text that you are scrolling sideways?
Sometimes it is easier to read it with View Source
or do something else to extract the text into a more flowable

If you have some specific examples you want help with
you may get better suggestions.