Please help

Aug 11, 2009
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I have 4 different departments that access this database:

I have Manufacturing, Production, Quality and Packaging

Each of these departments use the same Main Menu, however, each department has their own button to press. On the main page there is a textbox to enter in the LOT #, then the department entering in their information presses on their respective button and if the information is in the database it will take them to their respective form to fill out.

For this department we create have a Lot # this Lot # is used as a primary key in the database. This department is the ONLY department out of the 4 that can add records to the database. We enter in a Lot # and press on the Add Lot # button if it already exists in the database a msgbox will appear telling us so. If it doesn't it will then open a form called Manufacturing for us to fill out our information.

Production, Quality and Packaging:
For these departments they edit the records that have been created by the Manufacturing department.

My question here is:

If departments Production, Quality and Packaging come across a Lot # not in the database their page still displays but nothing on it to fill out meaning the record is not in the database.

Instead of that happening I would like to keep the user at the main page and display a message " LOT # ?????? does not exist or has yet to be entered"

How can I go about doing this?

Thanks in advance.