**Please help**



Last night my boyfriend tried installing a game onto my PC. For a while the
game worked fine but then the game exited and a message appeared saying the
configuration had changed so I clicked ok. Then the screen changed and my
desktop icons became smaller but the message appeared again. When I clicked
ok again the screen appeared to change back to normal. I tried to uninstall
the game so I could try and reinstall it again but it kept saying that I had
to install it through the control panel (it auto-started the 1st time). I
installed another game with no problems but this one will not install. Any
help would be appreciated.

Will Denny


Have you tried to uninstall the game via Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs?


Will Denny
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


Yes, I removed it that way last night but now I can't add it again as a
messgae keeps appearing saying something about configuring through the
control panel and I don't know what to do to configure.


The exact message that appears now that did not appear last night is "Please
go to the control panel to install and configure system components"


I followed the instructions on the site and deleted the file but now I still
get the same message when I try the game. What else can I try?

David Nimon

Is it possible to go to a system restore point prior to the 1st installation
of the game and try to install then?

Will Denny


What game is it? Have you tried a System Restore back to a point before the
game was installed?


Will Denny
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


The game is Football Manager 2006. It is compatible with my PC as I checked
before he bought it. I had enough HD space but have deleted some files from
my HD just to make more space but it is still not working. I tried to restore
the PC back to the webcam which was the last thing to be installed before the
game but it would not allow it

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