
I brought my work Laptop home to backup some files... My laptop was on a
domain at work. I switched to a Workgroup name so I could transfer some
files onto my home network.

Now I cannot log onto my laptop, I believe it is still looking to resolve
from the domain.

How can I switch back to the domain? Please tell me I'm not S.O.L.


Mike said:
I brought my work Laptop home to backup some files... My laptop was
on a domain at work. I switched to a Workgroup name so I could
transfer some files onto my home network.

Now I cannot log onto my laptop, I believe it is still looking to
resolve from the domain.

How can I switch back to the domain? Please tell me I'm not S.O.L.
You will need to take the laptop to your IT Dept. and ask them - very
nicely - to rejoin the machine to the domain. There is no way of
getting around this.

For future use of the laptop at home, here's how to access your home
workgroup resources (credit to MVP Lanwench):

You don't need to change to a workgroup just to access resources on it.
You shouldn't play with your laptop's network settings at all. Once
you've logged in using your domain account (using cached credentials),
and have an IP address on the home network, you can map drives, use
printers, whatnot, very easily - one way, in a command line:

net use x: \\computername\sharename /user:computername\username <enter>

MS KB article about the Net Use command -




I am very familiar with asking nicely as our Admin is also the I&C dept
head... unfortunately the network because of work load is a tertiary

I know enough that I probably should be shot... due to opinion, but more for
causing stuff like this. I will probably just get the local admin PW from
him and fix it.

Until then is there a way to rejoin using a slash or a switch on the login


BTW: thank you for the KB link


"Until then is there a way to rejoin using a slash or a switch on the login

Stupid Question... sorry You need to be connected for the domain to



Mike said:
"Until then is there a way to rejoin using a slash or a switch on the
login form?"

Stupid Question... sorry You need to be connected for the domain
to authenticate...

I certainly don't think you should be shot for making what is a very
common mistake. However, the answer is "no". There is no way to rejoin
the computer to the domain without access to a domain administrator
account and the domain server. Which you don't have because your IT
Dept. has very sensibly set up your machine for good security. There is
no magic "slash or switch". If there had been, I promise you I would
have told you. I'm sorry.


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