please help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mario A. Paucar
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Mario A. Paucar

Question #1
I normally download a spreadsheet with data on CVS format;
one of the columns has data with numbers an the symbol +
and example:
8.25591E+15 as I click at each cell i see the numbers up
on the dispaly area and each cell from this row contains a
different 16 digits however the whole column always shows
I normally convert this to regualar excel file then format
cell column to show the numbers i am supposed to see and
I get 16 digits my problem is of these 16 digits The last
numbers of ech cell is 0. I need it to display the real #
that the 0 is hiding. I could send the spread sheet to you

I enter a lot of data and i would like to repeat my
entrys from one worksheet to another worksheet
automatically for example
in worksheet 1 in column a rows 1 -15 i enter numbers then
i would like these same information to be displayed in
worksheet #2 automatically but I would like to assign the
cells. every week i enter about 20 new rows and making an
individual formula for each entry will killme in time.


Mario A. Paucar
510-773-4724 cell
#1. Excel only cares about 15 digits. That's the limit. If you need to see
more digits, you could treat the value as text, but then it's text.

#2. If your data entry goes in the exact same addresses of each sheet, you can
group the sheets together. Click on the first worksheet tab and ctrl-click on

Remember to rightclick|Ungroup sheets when you're done--any change to a sheet in
grouped mode will be a change to all the sheets in that group.