I'm in big trouble. The guy who works with me just quit and left me with the
Access database. I have no idea how he set it up and my boss want me to go
in and make some changes (I'm a VB programmer, but not Access). All I know
is there are 2 files: system.mdw and Calc.mde. Check on the short cut, looks
like this is Access 97. I have the account (supposed to be the master
account?) and can get in but all I can see is the user interface. How can I
get access to the macro and make some changes there?
I'm in big trouble. The guy who works with me just quit and left me with the
Access database. I have no idea how he set it up and my boss want me to go
in and make some changes (I'm a VB programmer, but not Access). All I know
is there are 2 files: system.mdw and Calc.mde. Check on the short cut, looks
like this is Access 97. I have the account (supposed to be the master
account?) and can get in but all I can see is the user interface. How can I
get access to the macro and make some changes there?