I have a text box on a form and I am validating the data(street address)
with the following expression
^[a-zA-Z\d]+(([\'\,\.\- #][a-zA-Z\d ])?[a-zA-Z\d]*[\.]*)*$.
The following address works excellent
23-89 New Street
1 south william street
The problem is I try puting "N'Select" and that was passed instead of fail.
Can anyone tell me why is my expression passing this?
I have a text box on a form and I am validating the data(street address)
with the following expression
^[a-zA-Z\d]+(([\'\,\.\- #][a-zA-Z\d ])?[a-zA-Z\d]*[\.]*)*$.
The following address works excellent
23-89 New Street
1 south william street
The problem is I try puting "N'Select" and that was passed instead of fail.
Can anyone tell me why is my expression passing this?