Chris Cred
Hey Everyone,
I'm new to this site therefore this is my first post. Please take a look at
this formula and tell me where I went wrong. The formula works as for as the
calculations are concerned. However, since I have numerous blank cells until
data is entered I'm using this formula so I could hide the aweful #DIV/0!
error. Of course it is not hiding it and I'm having trouble. Here is the
formula I am currently using:
=IF(ISERROR(SUMIF(C24:C92,"Fall 05",G24:CG1392)),"No Data Entered",(SUMIF(C24:
C92,"Fall 05",G24:G92))/IF(ISERROR(SUMIF(C24:C92,"Fall 05",F24:F92)),"No Data
Entered",(SUMIF(C24:C92,"Fall 05",F24:F92))))
I've tried parentheses tricks and still no go. I appreciate any help.
I'm new to this site therefore this is my first post. Please take a look at
this formula and tell me where I went wrong. The formula works as for as the
calculations are concerned. However, since I have numerous blank cells until
data is entered I'm using this formula so I could hide the aweful #DIV/0!
error. Of course it is not hiding it and I'm having trouble. Here is the
formula I am currently using:
=IF(ISERROR(SUMIF(C24:C92,"Fall 05",G24:CG1392)),"No Data Entered",(SUMIF(C24:
C92,"Fall 05",G24:G92))/IF(ISERROR(SUMIF(C24:C92,"Fall 05",F24:F92)),"No Data
Entered",(SUMIF(C24:C92,"Fall 05",F24:F92))))
I've tried parentheses tricks and still no go. I appreciate any help.