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Could someone please help me with the following? I'm trying to com
up with a formula that will total specific cells if certai
conditions exist
For example
Column D = Account No
Column E = Amount (in Dollars
Column I = Total for the Mont
Everytime Column D has the Account Number 4 placed in it with th
dollar amount in Column E, I need a formula in Column I that wil
total the dollar amounts (of Column E) each time the Account Numbe
is 4 (in Column D). Keeping in mind that Column D will have othe
Account Numbers other then the number 4 throughout the month. Tha
why I'm thinking it should be an "IF Then" condition in the formul
(although I could be wrong, there could be another statement tha
could be used that I'm not aware of)
Any help you could give me on this would be greatly appreciated
Could someone please help me with the following? I'm trying to com
up with a formula that will total specific cells if certai
conditions exist
For example
Column D = Account No
Column E = Amount (in Dollars
Column I = Total for the Mont
Everytime Column D has the Account Number 4 placed in it with th
dollar amount in Column E, I need a formula in Column I that wil
total the dollar amounts (of Column E) each time the Account Numbe
is 4 (in Column D). Keeping in mind that Column D will have othe
Account Numbers other then the number 4 throughout the month. Tha
why I'm thinking it should be an "IF Then" condition in the formul
(although I could be wrong, there could be another statement tha
could be used that I'm not aware of)
Any help you could give me on this would be greatly appreciated