Please help with cell..



I have 4 or 5 cell. From that said cell I need to put an "x" and "check"
marked in every cell that will automatically put a word "Confirmed" in
another worksheet. would that be possible?

Also, the fill-in color.. let say, if its "x" its blue and if its "check"
its green.

Thanks in advance.

muddan madhu

sheet 1 u need put x or check and sheet 2 u need the answer

use this =IF(OR(sheet1!A1="X",sheet1!A1="check"),"Confirmed","")

To fill color

go to format | conditional format | choose formula =$A$1="X" | choose
format ( blue color ) | second condition =$A$1="check" | choose format
( green color) | ok | ok

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