Please help with Blank pages problem



I have a report that has one subreport. The subreport(level
1) has another subreport(level 2). subreport level 1 is in
the detail section of the main report. subreport level 2 is
in the detail section of subreport level 1. The main report
deals with clients and their credentials and the subjects
for these credentials as follow:

main report: shows Client ID. It is printed one client at a
subreport level 1 (in the detail sec. of the main report):
deals with credentials. It lists all credentials for the
client in the main report.

subreport level 2 (in the detail sec. of level 1): deals
with subjects. It lists all subjects per credential

The problem:
Big unused (blank) section on the papers. how can I make
the printing close these gaps?

say I have a client with 3 credentials. If the client took
subjects to study for each credential, the report will
print the client ID then credential 1 then all subjects
under that credential, then credential 2, then all subjects
under credential 2 and so on. I have a problem when, say,
the client took subjects for credential 1 and 3 but not for
2. the report will print Client ID, then credential 1 then
subjects of credential 1, then credential 2, then leaves
the rest of the page blank then starts printing credential
3 with the subjects on the next page. I want the report to
use that blank part of the page and start printing
credential 3 right after credential 2 not on the next page.
I made sure in the design lay out that there are no spaces
in the detial section after all my fields are listed. and
the width of the report is not a problem either. I sat all
subreports to Can Shrink = yes. is there a way to force a
report to continue printing and not leave a gap on the page
if the subreport does not have data? I hope that I am
making sense?
Thank you


I think what your asking for is... Go to Design View of
the Report and set the Subreports Properties to Can


I know my message is long and you may have missed that at
the end of the message it states that "I sat all subreports
to CanShrink = yes".

This needs programing solution most likely.

Gina Whipp

Your right, I missed that....

Al said:
I know my message is long and you may have missed that at
the end of the message it states that "I sat all subreports
to CanShrink = yes".

This needs programing solution most likely.

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