Please Help with Audio!!

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I'm desperate and hoping someone here will be goodhearted enough (and
knowledgeable enough) to help me out. I'm importing Video into Movie Maker
(2.1) from a DV Camera. Although I have no problem importing the video
footage, the audio is not picked up!

I am connecting to the Computer using a USB lead from Camera to Tower. I
have configured my connection via the Camera's own editing software, and
audio is set up for USB connection. When I select USB in the Audio Device
menu in the Video Capture Wizard, the Input level indicator is not active
(cannot move the indicator), and so Video is captured, but no audio!!

What am I doing wrong?

Please help!!

(e-mail address removed)
Well I don't import into Movie Maker, my camera only does short clips
straight to a CD, but I do know that this happens often with a USB
connection. You should connect using firewire it is faster and much more
Thanks Wojo!

Fireware might be best then. I do have an IEEE 1394 capture port on my
Tower, so all I need to do is purchase a IEEE 1394 connection cable, right?
You've heard of loss of audio with USB connections before then? So this isn't
something wrong with my software or anything, you think it could just be the

The USB connection is too slow, you will like the 'firewire' means of
importing your movies. The only thing is that I think you need to know
the type of connection between your computer and camera....mine are both
Sony, and I needed a 6 pin to 4 pin connection, whereas, I think a 4 pin to
4 pin is the more normal standard. Good luck.
I think your correct dickmr and yes Ryan all you need then, assuming your
camera has a firewire port (being a DV camera I would assume it does), is
the firewire cable.