Everytime i try to play a DVD in media center, the following error message
Decoder Error
The video decoder has either malfuntioned or is not installed. Please
restart media center and / or the computer.
I've tried restarting both media center and the PC and it still wont work. I
did see another thread on this particular error message in media center, but
that was on vista so I didn't know if the solution was different or not (
plus the thread went completely over my head, with all the computer jargon,
anyone know how to help me? any replies appreciated
Decoder Error
The video decoder has either malfuntioned or is not installed. Please
restart media center and / or the computer.
I've tried restarting both media center and the PC and it still wont work. I
did see another thread on this particular error message in media center, but
that was on vista so I didn't know if the solution was different or not (
plus the thread went completely over my head, with all the computer jargon,
anyone know how to help me? any replies appreciated