Please help w/conditional formatting text in report

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I am trying to apply a different color font to a control box. I can do that
to the first control box using the "conditional formating". My problem is
that in the report there are two control boxes. 1) Names and 2) totals. I
would like the word "blank" in the Names column to be in Red font and the
total in colum 2 be the same. I tried to concatenate the Name control box
with total control box but I get an error. Can you please help? Thank you.

The only way I was able to do that was to imbed VBA code tied to an event that stated if result = "Whatever" then color = 0111195660. You get the idea.

The problem with this approach I found is that for some reason it sucked up all my machine memory and when users who did not have 1 gig of memory mimimum tried to use it they would get video memory errors.

My recommendation would be to use caution.
You can set the conditional format for a control based on the value of
another control. You will need to select "Expression Is" in the combo-box
for the condition for the second control, and enter (assuming that "Names"
is the actual name of the first control)


in the expression area; then select the red as the text colour.



TotallyConfused said:
I am trying to apply a different color font to a control box. I can do that
to the first control box using the "conditional formating". My problem is
that in the report there are two control boxes. 1) Names and 2) totals. I
would like the word "blank" in the Names column to be in Red font and the
total in colum 2 be the same. I tried to concatenate the Name control box
with total control box but I get an error. Can you please help? Thank