Please help to activate vista beta 2 build 5384

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Dear All

First I am a new comer.
I have downloaded and installed windows vista beta 2 build 5384
and I have been informed that I have 14 days to activate vista but when I
activate vista I have received a message that product key is used already.

So could any one please share me a product key for vista 5384 or please show
me how to get product key from microsoft.

My email: (e-mail address removed)

Thank you very much.
wild said:
Email me at (e-mail address removed)

And I was under the impression that people
living in the Saint John, NB, CA, area had some
common sense!

I guess common sense isn't very common!!!
This is utter stupidity and a violation of the
EULA you agreed to BEFORE you were given a
product key!
John Boy:
Common sense and rational thinking haven't been a prerequisite in many, many
years if ever, but is becoming very, very uncommon. This is the first key
that I've seen posted since early Windows x64 CPP when the product key was
the same for all.
You do know that you can only use a key on 10 machines. Everytime someone
uses it one less is available. Hopefully you got two keys, because by now
many people have already tried it, and if you need to re-install Vista, you
are out of luck. You will join the club of people who can't preview Vista
because of a key. That was seriously a stupid move. You clicked a button that
said "I Agree" to the EULA. Microsoft can even bann you from Beta Testing for
ever. LOL There have been many people looking for keys, and you just give

Congratulations, you are the first one to ever give a key away. You are the
salvation to many people. Well, that's until Microsoft realizes what has

He would probably be OK since a reinstallation on the same machine will
still activate OK. But he wouldn't be able to install on a different
machine because you can bet your bottom dollar that his 10 installs are all
used already.
They have defeated pirate keys in the past by blocking them in the database
so that they would not activate. Also I seem to remember that a popular
activation defeating scheme was disabled by a routine in Service Pack 2 for
XP. But I don't know if they can proactively disable an activated key on a
single target machine, or would bother doing so with a beta since it will
timebomb anyway, there being no loss of revenue. If a TechBeta tester did
what wild cat did the tester would probably be locked out of the resources
of the beta program and probably not invited for future betas.
Yes Colin. it appears that 'wild cat' had better get to the hospital for
treatment to the gun shot wound in the foot.