Please help - text export has stopped working

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Hi Guys

I need some help. My export of a query as a comma delimited text file worked
fine until i modified the query yesterday. Now I get "Run-time Error 3011,
Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object

Why has chaging the query caused this error. If I put the old query back it
works fine? How do I fix it. I burned the midnight oil (and then some) but to
no avail.

Database is a single entity, Access 2000 file format running on Access 2003,
not split yet because I am still commissioning it.

The code which calls the query

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "samout_filespec", "q_SamUpload",
[Forms]![f_FlatFileOut]![filename2], False

The old query

SELECT t_MainData.ProductionSubsidiaryCode AS [Company Code],
t_MainData.ASC_Code AS [Repair Centre Code], t_MainData.Amk_ID AS [Claim
Number], t_MainData.RepairType AS [Service type], t_MainData.DefectType, ""
AS Authorisation_No, t_Customers.Name AS [Consumer Name],
t_Customers.Address1, t_Customers.Address2, t_Customers.TownCity AS Address3,
t_Customers.PostCode, t_Customers.Telephone1 AS [Consumer Tel],
t_Customers.Fax, t_MainData.RunningModel AS [Model name],
t_MainData.ProductSerialNo AS [Serial number], t_MainData.CRT_LCD_SerialNo AS
[CRT Serial No], t_MainData.CRT_LCD_Maker AS [CRT Manufacturer Name],
t_MainData.ConditionCode1 AS [IRIS Condition Code], t_MainData.DefectCode1 AS
[IRIS Defect Code], t_MainData.SymptomCode1 AS [IRIS Symptomn Code],
t_MainData.RepairCode1 AS [IRIS Repair Code], "" AS IRIS_Flag, "" AS
IRIS_Section, "" AS Accessory, Year([PurchaseDate]) & Right(("0" &
Month([PurchaseDate])),2) & Right(("0" & Day([PurchaseDate])),2) AS [Purchase
Date], Year([RequestedDate]) & Right(("0" & Month([RequestedDate])),2) &
Right(("0" & Day([RequestedDate])),2) AS [SVC Request Date],
Year([UnitDespatchDate]) & Right(("0" & Month([UnitDespatchDate])),2) &
Right(("0" & Day([UnitDespatchDate])),2) AS [SVC Complete Date],
Year([FG_Date]) & Right(("0" & Month([FG_Date])),2) & Right(("0" &
Day([FG_Date])),2) AS [Delivery date], t_MainData.Dealer_Name AS [Dealer
name/Code], "" AS Distance, "" AS [Delivery Cost], "" AS [Parts Amount], ""
AS [Other Cost], "" AS [Other Amount Description],
Left$([DetailSymptomDesc],50) AS [Defect Description],
t_MainData.DetailRepairDesc AS [Repair Description], t_MainData.Remark, "" AS
invoicedate, "" AS invoicenumber, t_MainData.TransactionNo AS [Contact Centre
Call Number], "O" AS CallType, "" AS PrintedPages, t_MainData.Parts1Code1 AS
[Part Number], t_MainData.Location1No1 AS Location, IIf((Len([Part
Number])>0),1,"") AS [Used Quantity], "" AS [Parts Amount 1], "" AS [Document
Number 1], t_MainData.Parts1Serial1 AS [Part Serial Number 1],
t_MainData.Parts2Code1 AS [Part Number 2], t_MainData.Location2No1 AS
[Location 2], IIf((Len([Part Number 2])>0),1,"") AS [Used Quantity 2], "" AS
[Parts Amount 2], "" AS [Document Number 2], t_MainData.Parts1Serial2 AS
[Part Serial Number 2]
FROM t_Customers INNER JOIN t_MainData ON t_Customers.CustomerNo =
WHERE (((t_MainData.DefectType)<>"BS") AND ((t_MainData.Uploaded)=No) AND
((Len([FG_date]))>6) AND ((t_MainData.Manufacturer)="Samsung"));

The new query

SELECT t_MainData.ProductionSubsidiaryCode AS [Company Code],
t_MainData.ASC_Code AS [Repair Centre Code], t_MainData.Amk_ID AS [Claim
Number], t_MainData.RepairType AS [Service type], t_MainData.DefectType, ""
AS Authorisation_No, t_Customers.Name AS [Consumer Name],
t_Customers.Address1, t_Customers.Address2, t_Customers.TownCity AS Address3,
t_Customers.PostCode, t_Customers.Telephone1 AS [Consumer Tel],
t_Customers.Fax, t_MainData.RunningModel AS [Model name],
t_MainData.ProductSerialNo AS [Serial number], t_MainData.CRT_LCD_SerialNo AS
[CRT Serial No], t_MainData.CRT_LCD_Maker AS [CRT Manufacturer Name],
t_MainData.ConditionCode1 AS [IRIS Condition Code], t_MainData.DefectCode1 AS
[IRIS Defect Code], t_MainData.SymptomCode1 AS [IRIS Symptomn Code],
t_MainData.RepairCode1 AS [IRIS Repair Code], "" AS IRIS_Flag, "" AS
IRIS_Section, "" AS Accessory, Year([PurchaseDate]) & Right(("0" &
Month([PurchaseDate])),2) & Right(("0" & Day([PurchaseDate])),2) AS [Purchase
Date], Year([RequestedDate]) & Right(("0" & Month([RequestedDate])),2) &
Right(("0" & Day([RequestedDate])),2) AS [SVC Request Date],
Year([UnitDespatchDate]) & Right(("0" & Month([UnitDespatchDate])),2) &
Right(("0" & Day([UnitDespatchDate])),2) AS [SVC Complete Date],
Year([FG_Date]) & Right(("0" & Month([FG_Date])),2) & Right(("0" &
Day([FG_Date])),2) AS [Delivery date], t_MainData.Dealer_Name AS [Dealer
name/Code], "" AS Distance, "" AS [Delivery Cost], "" AS [Parts Amount], ""
AS [Other Cost], "" AS [Other Amount Description],
AS [Defect Description],
AS [Repair Description], IIf(Len([Remark])>64,Left$([Remark],64),[Remark]) AS
Remarks, "" AS invoicedate, "" AS invoicenumber, t_MainData.TransactionNo AS
[Contact Centre Call Number], "O" AS CallType, "" AS PrintedPages,
t_MainData.Parts1Code1 AS [Part Number], t_MainData.Location1No1 AS Location,
IIf((Len([Part Number])>0),1,"") AS [Used Quantity], "" AS [Parts Amount 1],
"" AS [Document Number 1], t_MainData.Parts1Serial1 AS [Part Serial Number
1], t_MainData.Parts2Code1 AS [Part Number 2], t_MainData.Location2No1 AS
[Location 2], IIf((Len([Part Number 2])>0),1,"") AS [Used Quantity 2], "" AS
[Parts Amount 2], "" AS [Document Number 2], t_MainData.Parts1Serial2 AS
[Part Serial Number 2]
FROM t_Customers INNER JOIN t_MainData ON t_Customers.CustomerNo =
WHERE (((t_MainData.DefectType)<>"BS") AND ((t_MainData.Uploaded)=No) AND
((Len([FG_date]))>6) AND ((t_MainData.Manufacturer)="SMG"));

In the middle of the query i needed to do some formatting so I changed this

Left$([DetailSymptomDesc],50) AS [Defect Description],
t_MainData.DetailRepairDesc AS [Repair Description], t_MainData.Remark


AS [Defect Description],
AS [Repair Description], IIf(Len([Remark])>64,Left$([Remark],64),[Remark]) AS

If I change this extract back then it works again - this is a real
headbuster for me, I'm a bit of a newbie at the database game. I hope one of
you guys can save me on this one, as my boss is really busting my head about
not being able to make the customer upload yesterday

