Questions are at the end.
I am developing an ASP.NET web form and I have some questions about how to
properly use the SQLDataAdapter and Dataset objects.
When the application is started, the user is presented with a search form.
The txtSearchDate.text and DropDownList1.selecteditem.text are used as
search criteria. The user enters a date in txtSearchDate and selects an
agent from a dropdown. Then they press the retrieve button which makes a
connection to SQL, opens the table, fills a dataset, and a datagrid is bound
to this dataset.
Here is the code that is used for the sql portion:
Function GetPersonRecords()
Dim SqlCon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection()
Dim DA As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()
Dim SqlCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand()
Dim DS As New DataSet()
Dim SQLSelectStatement As String
Dim ColumnNames As String
Dim FromClause As String
Dim WhereClause As String
Dim OrderClause As String
SqlCon = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLConnect("Boca2", "USER", "PASSWORD",
ColumnNames = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLColumnNames("Activity.Date AS
Activity_Date, Activity.FollowUp AS Activity_FollowUp, Activity.Notes AS
Activity_Notes, Activity.Notes_Confidential AS Activity_Notes_Confidential,
Client.Name_Last AS Client_Name_Last, Client.Name_First AS
Client_Name_First, Client.Name_Full AS Client_Name_Full, Client.Title_Long
AS Client_Title_Long, Company1.Company AS Client_Company, Client.Person_ID
AS Client_Person_ID, Activity_ID")
FromClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLFromClause("Person Applicant
LEFT OUTER JOIN Company ON Applicant.Company_ID = Company.Company_ID RIGHT
OUTER JOIN Company Company1 ON Activity.Client_Company_ID =
Company1.Company_ID ON Job.Job_ID = Activity.Job_ID ON Client.Person_ID =
Activity.Client_ID ON Applicant.Person_ID = Activity.Applicant_ID")
WhereClause =
WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLWhereClause("(Activity.Activity_CD = 2) and
(Activity.Date >='" & txtSearchDate.Text() & "') and (Activity.agent like '"
& DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text & "')")
OrderClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLOrderClause("Activity.FollowUp
SqlCmd.CommandText = "Select " & ColumnNames & FromClause &
WhereClause & OrderClause
SqlCmd.Connection = SqlCon
DA.SelectCommand = SqlCmd
DA.Fill(DS, "First")
Return DS
End Function
You can see that I am creating a SQLDataAdapter and filling the dataset in
this function, then returning the dataset to the calling sub and binding the
datagrid to the returned DS. This uses the Button1_Click handler.
The calling subs are here:
Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim ds As DataSet
ds = GetPersonRecords()
ClearTextBoxes() 'Clear Data from textboxes
BindDataGrid(DataGrid1, ds, "Client_person_ID", "First") 'Query for
End Sub
Sub DataGrid_Select(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
Dim ds As DataSet
Session("CurrentID") = e.Item.Cells(8).Text.ToString
Session("CurrentActivityID") = e.Item.Cells(9).Text.ToString
ds = GetCurrentActivity(Session("CurrentActivityID"))
BindDataGrid(DataGrid2, ds, "ActID", "Second")
End Sub
Sub BindDataGrid(ByVal DataGridName As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid,
ByVal FuncToCall As DataSet, ByVal DGKeyField As String, ByVal DGDataMember
As String)
Dim ds As DataSet
ds = FuncToCall
DataGridName.DataSource = ds 'Define which dataset to be used by
DataGridName.DataKeyField = DGKeyField ' Define a primary key for
the Dataset
DataGridName.DataMember = DGDataMember
DataGridName.DataBind() 'Bind the datagrid to it's datasource
End Sub
Then the user can select a record in the datagrid by clicking the select
button in a button column. This then makes another connection to SQL, opens
the table, fills a dataset, and a datagrid is bound to this dataset. Code:
Function GetCurrentActivity(ByVal CurrentActivityID As String)
Dim SqlCon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection()
Dim DA As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()
Dim SqlCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand()
Dim DS As New DataSet()
Dim SQLSelectStatement As String
Dim ColumnNames As String
Dim FromClause As String
Dim WhereClause As String
Dim OrderClause As String
Dim second As New DataTable()
SqlCon = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLConnect("Boca2", "USER", "PASSWORD",
ColumnNames = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLColumnNames("BDCallsMade as
'Calls', BDEmailsSent as 'Emails', activity_ID as ActID, company.company as
Company, date as 'Activity Date', followup as 'Follow Up', notes as Notes,
notes_confidential as Confidential")
FromClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLFromClause("activity Activity
INNER JOIN Company ON Activity.Client_Company_ID = Company.Company_ID")
WhereClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLWhereClause("(activity_cd = 2
and client_id =" & Session("CurrentID") & ")")
OrderClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLOrderClause("date Desc")
SqlCmd.CommandText = "Select " & ColumnNames & FromClause &
WhereClause & OrderClause
SqlCmd.Connection = SqlCon
DA.SelectCommand = SqlCmd
DA.Fill(DS, "Second")
Return DS
End Function
Once again, I am creating a SQLDataAdapter and filling the dataset in this
function, then returning the dataset to the calling sub and binding the
datagrid to the returned DS. This uses the datagrid_select sub.
My questions:
Should there be only one data adapter?
Should there be only one dataset with multiple datatables?
Can I reuse these objects and if so, how? This is probably the most
critical question. Example code would be very helpful.
For example, I fiill the dataset in GetPersonRecords and create a datatable
called "First". How can I use that dataset again and add the additional
datatable, "Second", which is used in GetCurrentActivity?
I am not having any problems displaying or selecting records.
The whole reason for these questions is I need to update these records and I
would like to use the DataAdapter.UpdateCommand instead of ExecuteNonQuery.
The record selected in the first datagrid (a person) has corresponding
activity detail which is displayed in the second datagrid. I need to be
able to edit the data that is in both datatables, and I think the way to do
this is with a datarelation between the two datatables in the dataset.
I am also perfoming a join in my sql select clauses. Perhaps it is better
to create datatables and relationships within my dataset than to use sql
joins. Is this a correct assumption?
I just need some help understanding the correct implementations of the
SQLDataAdapter, DatSet, DataTable, and DataRelation.
I know there is a lot here and I appreciate your time.
Thanks for your time,
I am developing an ASP.NET web form and I have some questions about how to
properly use the SQLDataAdapter and Dataset objects.
When the application is started, the user is presented with a search form.
The txtSearchDate.text and DropDownList1.selecteditem.text are used as
search criteria. The user enters a date in txtSearchDate and selects an
agent from a dropdown. Then they press the retrieve button which makes a
connection to SQL, opens the table, fills a dataset, and a datagrid is bound
to this dataset.
Here is the code that is used for the sql portion:
Function GetPersonRecords()
Dim SqlCon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection()
Dim DA As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()
Dim SqlCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand()
Dim DS As New DataSet()
Dim SQLSelectStatement As String
Dim ColumnNames As String
Dim FromClause As String
Dim WhereClause As String
Dim OrderClause As String
SqlCon = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLConnect("Boca2", "USER", "PASSWORD",
ColumnNames = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLColumnNames("Activity.Date AS
Activity_Date, Activity.FollowUp AS Activity_FollowUp, Activity.Notes AS
Activity_Notes, Activity.Notes_Confidential AS Activity_Notes_Confidential,
Client.Name_Last AS Client_Name_Last, Client.Name_First AS
Client_Name_First, Client.Name_Full AS Client_Name_Full, Client.Title_Long
AS Client_Title_Long, Company1.Company AS Client_Company, Client.Person_ID
AS Client_Person_ID, Activity_ID")
FromClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLFromClause("Person Applicant
LEFT OUTER JOIN Company ON Applicant.Company_ID = Company.Company_ID RIGHT
OUTER JOIN Company Company1 ON Activity.Client_Company_ID =
Company1.Company_ID ON Job.Job_ID = Activity.Job_ID ON Client.Person_ID =
Activity.Client_ID ON Applicant.Person_ID = Activity.Applicant_ID")
WhereClause =
WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLWhereClause("(Activity.Activity_CD = 2) and
(Activity.Date >='" & txtSearchDate.Text() & "') and (Activity.agent like '"
& DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text & "')")
OrderClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLOrderClause("Activity.FollowUp
SqlCmd.CommandText = "Select " & ColumnNames & FromClause &
WhereClause & OrderClause
SqlCmd.Connection = SqlCon
DA.SelectCommand = SqlCmd
DA.Fill(DS, "First")
Return DS
End Function
You can see that I am creating a SQLDataAdapter and filling the dataset in
this function, then returning the dataset to the calling sub and binding the
datagrid to the returned DS. This uses the Button1_Click handler.
The calling subs are here:
Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim ds As DataSet
ds = GetPersonRecords()
ClearTextBoxes() 'Clear Data from textboxes
BindDataGrid(DataGrid1, ds, "Client_person_ID", "First") 'Query for
End Sub
Sub DataGrid_Select(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
Dim ds As DataSet
Session("CurrentID") = e.Item.Cells(8).Text.ToString
Session("CurrentActivityID") = e.Item.Cells(9).Text.ToString
ds = GetCurrentActivity(Session("CurrentActivityID"))
BindDataGrid(DataGrid2, ds, "ActID", "Second")
End Sub
Sub BindDataGrid(ByVal DataGridName As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid,
ByVal FuncToCall As DataSet, ByVal DGKeyField As String, ByVal DGDataMember
As String)
Dim ds As DataSet
ds = FuncToCall
DataGridName.DataSource = ds 'Define which dataset to be used by
DataGridName.DataKeyField = DGKeyField ' Define a primary key for
the Dataset
DataGridName.DataMember = DGDataMember
DataGridName.DataBind() 'Bind the datagrid to it's datasource
End Sub
Then the user can select a record in the datagrid by clicking the select
button in a button column. This then makes another connection to SQL, opens
the table, fills a dataset, and a datagrid is bound to this dataset. Code:
Function GetCurrentActivity(ByVal CurrentActivityID As String)
Dim SqlCon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection()
Dim DA As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()
Dim SqlCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand()
Dim DS As New DataSet()
Dim SQLSelectStatement As String
Dim ColumnNames As String
Dim FromClause As String
Dim WhereClause As String
Dim OrderClause As String
Dim second As New DataTable()
SqlCon = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLConnect("Boca2", "USER", "PASSWORD",
ColumnNames = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLColumnNames("BDCallsMade as
'Calls', BDEmailsSent as 'Emails', activity_ID as ActID, company.company as
Company, date as 'Activity Date', followup as 'Follow Up', notes as Notes,
notes_confidential as Confidential")
FromClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLFromClause("activity Activity
INNER JOIN Company ON Activity.Client_Company_ID = Company.Company_ID")
WhereClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLWhereClause("(activity_cd = 2
and client_id =" & Session("CurrentID") & ")")
OrderClause = WebBizDev.Utilities.SQLOrderClause("date Desc")
SqlCmd.CommandText = "Select " & ColumnNames & FromClause &
WhereClause & OrderClause
SqlCmd.Connection = SqlCon
DA.SelectCommand = SqlCmd
DA.Fill(DS, "Second")
Return DS
End Function
Once again, I am creating a SQLDataAdapter and filling the dataset in this
function, then returning the dataset to the calling sub and binding the
datagrid to the returned DS. This uses the datagrid_select sub.
My questions:
Should there be only one data adapter?
Should there be only one dataset with multiple datatables?
Can I reuse these objects and if so, how? This is probably the most
critical question. Example code would be very helpful.
For example, I fiill the dataset in GetPersonRecords and create a datatable
called "First". How can I use that dataset again and add the additional
datatable, "Second", which is used in GetCurrentActivity?
I am not having any problems displaying or selecting records.
The whole reason for these questions is I need to update these records and I
would like to use the DataAdapter.UpdateCommand instead of ExecuteNonQuery.
The record selected in the first datagrid (a person) has corresponding
activity detail which is displayed in the second datagrid. I need to be
able to edit the data that is in both datatables, and I think the way to do
this is with a datarelation between the two datatables in the dataset.
I am also perfoming a join in my sql select clauses. Perhaps it is better
to create datatables and relationships within my dataset than to use sql
joins. Is this a correct assumption?
I just need some help understanding the correct implementations of the
SQLDataAdapter, DatSet, DataTable, and DataRelation.
I know there is a lot here and I appreciate your time.
Thanks for your time,