I have a form where some of the fields are both optional
and have no assigned values (they are empty).
When I list the results, with a confirmation page, I get
an error for those fields that were optional and not
filled out and the error tells me that it cannot read
zero sring values.
I would need to assign a value to these optional empty
fields but if I do that that value is going to show on
each field both when the user is entering values and when
these fileds are listed on the results page.
Is there any way to assign values to the fields so I do
not get this error and do not see preassigned values that
would be empty otherwise?
Thanks for your help
and have no assigned values (they are empty).
When I list the results, with a confirmation page, I get
an error for those fields that were optional and not
filled out and the error tells me that it cannot read
zero sring values.
I would need to assign a value to these optional empty
fields but if I do that that value is going to show on
each field both when the user is entering values and when
these fileds are listed on the results page.
Is there any way to assign values to the fields so I do
not get this error and do not see preassigned values that
would be empty otherwise?
Thanks for your help