Please help! PC won't boot...

Aug 18, 2008
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A few weeks back my PC froze - I thought it was just Windows being itself but when I tried to start it after switching it off there was no life to be found. It turned out that the psu had died - so I replaced it with a new one and gave the pc a clean inside (bit dusty!). I also replaced the stock heatsink and fan with a new one.

After I plugged everything back together it started fine! Huzzah! I left it to its own devices for a while; when I went back to use it the display had gone to stand by and was non responsive. Now when I switch it on, all the fans (psu, system, case, gfx card) come on, power button and hard drive light come on but that's it - it doesn't boot. :mad: The hard drive light just stays on - it doesn't sound like it is trying to access it. The display says "cable disconnected - no signal".

I have checked connections, unplugged unnecessary peripherals and even reset the BIOS (using jumper) but all to no avail. I'm stuck! If it was a damaged cpu/gfx card/memory then surely it wouldn't have started in the first place.

Any advice will be gratefully received!

It is an oldish system but I can't afford to replace it at the moment. I urgently need it working. P4 3.2gig, PC Partners RS350MS4-A45 motherboard, 2x512Mb Ram, Geforce5600Ultra, Windows XP.

Please save my computer from a trip to the local council tip!
Not all HDD's make noise when they are working..Sounds like your Graphics card my be faulty..Remove it and try without it and see what happens..
As for saving your PC from the local council tip, you'd be supprised what you find down there..And sometimes in working condition
It will say that no cable is connected because it hasn't passed post (booted up) doesn't matter if the graphics card works or not.

Heres what i do if i can't get a PC to post.

Have a good look inside make sure all cables are in properly, had a look? Good now have another look.

Remove all the RAM, try to post any beeps? At this stage beeps are a good sign.

Then put one stick in and try to boot.

If no joy, Use second stick of RAM in same slot, if work yay, no work boo.

Then try 1st piece of RAM in 2nd slot, 2nd piece of RAM in 2nd slot. Still no joy.

As MadX says try reseating the graphics card.

Check that the screws that hold motherboard to case are tight, check that the brass plugs underneath haven't come loose.

Still no joy?

Unplug Hard drive and DVD, take cables out of motherboard. Make a cup of tea.

Come back put it all back in, try to boot.

Still no joy, take the heatsink off, check that the cpu is properly seated, replace heatsink make sure it is seated properly.

Still no joy, then something could have bust.

Others will do it differently but this works for me and pretty much covers it.