Following an un-normalized database for an order processing system. Normalize this database into 1st, 2nd and 3rd normal form.
Customer order processing( customer ID, customer company name, customer address, customer contact name, customer contact title, customer city, customer region, customer postal code, customer country, customer phone ( order ID, order date, required date, shipped date, order freight, shipper ID, shipper company name (Product ID, order detail quantity, order detail discount (Product ID, product name, quantity per unit, product unit price, units in stock, units on order, reorder level, discontinued (Supplier ID, supplier company name, supplier address, supplier city, supplier region, supplier postal code, supplier country, supplier phone)))))
If anyone could help me out i would greatly appreciate it. I am terrible with this stuff and my project is due fairly soon. Thanks
Customer order processing( customer ID, customer company name, customer address, customer contact name, customer contact title, customer city, customer region, customer postal code, customer country, customer phone ( order ID, order date, required date, shipped date, order freight, shipper ID, shipper company name (Product ID, order detail quantity, order detail discount (Product ID, product name, quantity per unit, product unit price, units in stock, units on order, reorder level, discontinued (Supplier ID, supplier company name, supplier address, supplier city, supplier region, supplier postal code, supplier country, supplier phone)))))
If anyone could help me out i would greatly appreciate it. I am terrible with this stuff and my project is due fairly soon. Thanks