I recently had to reboot my computer and I lost the set
up that the "professional" did when he set up my e-mail
through outlook. I can send a message but I can't
receive them. During my setup it's asks about servers
for in and out going mail. I don't know what to put.
pop3? what's that and "smtp" there's another one. lol
Anyways I'm sure this will be a stupid question for
someone to answer but I really have no clue.
up that the "professional" did when he set up my e-mail
through outlook. I can send a message but I can't
receive them. During my setup it's asks about servers
for in and out going mail. I don't know what to put.
pop3? what's that and "smtp" there's another one. lol
Anyways I'm sure this will be a stupid question for
someone to answer but I really have no clue.