PLEASE HELP: Index and Match function in Userform to populate fiel

  • Thread starter Thread starter sam
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Hi All,

How can I use Inded and Match function on VBA to populate certain form fields?

For eg: I have a userform where Users input:

Roll No(Unique to every student):
Last Name :
First Name :
Subject1 :
Ph No:

What I want to do is: Once Users Input Their Roll No, I want to populate
their Last Name, First Name, Subject1 and Ph No. Also the roll number might
not be in descending order, Hence I want to use somethign like Index and
Match function, So once a student Inputs the roll number, It will match the
roll number and populate other fields respectively

The button to launch the Form is on Sheet1 and All the student data is in

Hope I made it clear

Thanks in Advance
thuis should help yuo to get started. This is the code behiind the form
My form has one command button and four text boxes

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdFetchData_Click()
Dim rw As Long
rw = GetRow(txtRollNum.Text)
If rw = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Matching ID"
FetchData rw
End If
End Sub
Function GetRow(RollNum As String) As Long
On Error Resume Next
Dim source As Range
Set source = Worksheets("sheet2").Range("A:A")
GetRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(RollNum, source, False)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Sub FetchData(rw As Long)
With Worksheets("Sheet2")
txtFirstName = .Cells(rw, "A").Value
txtLastName = .Cells(rw, "B").Value
txtSubject = .Cells(rw, "C").Value
txtPhNum = .Cells(rw, "D").Value
End With
End Sub
Hi All,

How can I use Inded and Match function on VBA to populate certain form fields?

For eg: I have a userform where Users input:

Roll No(Unique to every student):
Last Name :
First Name :
Subject1 :
Ph No:

What I want to do is: Once Users Input Their Roll No, I want to populate
their Last Name, First Name, Subject1 and Ph No. Also the roll number might
not be in descending order, Hence I want to use somethign like Index and
Match function, So once a student Inputs the roll number, It will match the
roll number and populate other fields respectively

The button to launch the Form is on Sheet1 and All the student data is in

Hope I made it clear

Thanks in Advance

Use the Vlookup worksheet function.

If the user enters their roll number into TextBox1 and presses enter
then Excel will execute this code to fill TextBox2 with the
corresponding value in column B on Sheet2 (assuming all the roll
numbers are in column A on Sheet2) - something like this:

Private Sub TextBox1_AfterUpdate()
Me.TextBox2.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup( _
Me.TextBox1.Value, ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Columns
("A:B"), 2, False)
End Sub

Copy this pattern to fill your other text boxes from the other columns
with the other data.

Dim res as variant

with worksheets("sheet2") 'I'd change the name to something meaningful
'look for a match using a string
res = application.match(me.textbox1.value,.range("A:A"),0)
if iserror(res) then
'look for a match using a real number
res = application.match(clng(me.textbox1.value),.range("A:a"),0)
end if

if iserror(res) then
'no match between textbox1 and column A of Sheet2
'what should happen
msgbox "Invalid entry"
exit sub '???
end if

me.textbox2.value = .range("a:a")(res).offset(0,1).value 'column b
me.textbox3.value = .range("a:a")(res).offset(0,5).value 'column F
End with

(Untested, uncompiled. Watch for typos.)
Hi Sam,
i would just use Find Method.

Paste code behind your form & adjust as needed.
I am assuming you have a button on form to call procedure that student
presses to search for RollNo?
And textboxes are still named TextBox1, TextBox2 etc etc?

Hope useful

Sub GetStudentData()

Dim WS2 As Worksheet
Dim Search As String
Dim Foundcell As Range

Set WS2 = Worksheets("Sheet2") '<< change name as required

'searching for rollno
Search = Me.TextBox1.Text

Set Foundcell = WS2.Columns(1).Find(Search, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _

If Foundcell Is Nothing = False Then

'found search value
For na = 2 To 5

Me.Controls("TextBox" & na).Text = _
Foundcell.Offset(0, na - 1).Value

Next na

'did not find search value
'tell user
msg = MsgBox(Search & " Not Found!", 16, "Search")

End If

End Sub
Thanks a lot for you help Patrick,
One more thing I wanted in my form was a way to capture filter values from
sheet2 into a Dropdown list in the user form. Is there a way to do this?

For eg, I have a column "Tasks" on sheet2 which have values 1,2,3,4,5,6 and
each student can have multiple "Tasks" such as..

John: 1,3
Jill: 1,5
jack: 3,5,6
Bill: 2,4,6
and so on... I have this column set as a filter(Behaves like a dropdown on
excel sheet), so John will have a Dropdown Filter with values 1 and 3 in
"Tasks" column

So basically, I want these filter values to be displayed on the form as
dropdown menu with 1 and 3 displayed for John.

Hope I made it clear

Thanks in advance
Thanks a lot for you help Dave,
One more thing I wanted in my form was a way to capture filter values from
sheet2 into a Dropdown list in the user form. Is there a way to do this?

For eg, I have a column "Tasks" on sheet2 which have values 1,2,3,4,5,6 and
each student can have multiple "Tasks" such as..

John: 1,3
Jill: 1,5
jack: 3,5,6
Bill: 2,4,6
and so on... I have this column set as a filter(Behaves like a dropdown on
excel sheet), so John will have a Dropdown Filter with values 1 and 3 in
"Tasks" column

So basically, I want these filter values to be displayed on the form as
dropdown menu with 1 and 3 displayed for John.

Hope I made it clear

Thanks in advance
Once you find the cell that holds the name, you can use VBA's split command (if
you're using xl2k or higher) to parse that data into an array.

Then use that array as the combobox's .list.

Dim myStr As String
Dim myArr As Variant

myStr = "1,2,3" 'how ever you find that cell would go here

myArr = Split(myStr, ",")

With Me.ComboBox1
.List = myArr
End With
Thanks for your help dave,
I have a lot of students and Taks in list, so with this approach I will have
to input every tasks individually? or am I missing something here?

Please help

Thanks in advance
Hey Dave, to make it clear. Here is and eg of how the data looks on sheet

Tasks Roll_No
3 11
5 11
4 12
6 12
2 13
5 13
3 14
4 14
1 15
2 15
1 16
4 16

So lets say you select "12" from Roll_No column filter
then it will display

Tasks Roll_No(filter)
4 12
6 12

So I want this 4 and 6 to be displayed in the dropdown list on userform too
Is there a way to capture filter values(4 and 6) from a sheet to a userfrom.
So when I input "12" on userform textbox I se 4 and 6 for my Tasks Dropdown
on the userform.

Hope I made it clear
Nope. I didn't know how you were getting that string, I thought it was two
columns. But that was wrong.

Thanks for your help dave,
I have a lot of students and Taks in list, so with this approach I will have
to input every tasks individually? or am I missing something here?

Please help

Thanks in advance
You're not really filtering the worksheet based on the roll number, right?

If you're not...

You can loop through the range.

Dim myRng as range
dim myCell as range

With worksheets("Sheet2")
set myrng = .range("B2",.cells(.rows.count,"B").end(xlup))
end with


for each mycell in myrng.cells
if mycell.value = clng(me.textbox1.value) then
me.combobox1.additem mycell.offset(0,-1).value
end if
next mycell

Hey Dave, to make it clear. Here is and eg of how the data looks on sheet

Tasks Roll_No
3 11
5 11
4 12
6 12
2 13
5 13
3 14
4 14
1 15
2 15
1 16
4 16

So lets say you select "12" from Roll_No column filter
then it will display

Tasks Roll_No(filter)
4 12
6 12

So I want this 4 and 6 to be displayed in the dropdown list on userform too
Is there a way to capture filter values(4 and 6) from a sheet to a userfrom.
So when I input "12" on userform textbox I se 4 and 6 for my Tasks Dropdown
on the userform.

Hope I made it clear
This worked out GREAT!! THANK YOU!

Dave Peterson said:
You're not really filtering the worksheet based on the roll number, right?

If you're not...

You can loop through the range.

Dim myRng as range
dim myCell as range

With worksheets("Sheet2")
set myrng = .range("B2",.cells(.rows.count,"B").end(xlup))
end with


for each mycell in myrng.cells
if mycell.value = clng(me.textbox1.value) then
me.combobox1.additem mycell.offset(0,-1).value
end if
next mycell
Hey Dave, Thanks a lot for all you help in getting this to work.

I was working on this and I came across an issue where students input values
in "Roll_No" field that are not present in the sheet. Is there a way where I
can disable the "Tasks" dropdown if they input an invalid "Roll_No" or a
"Roll_No" that is not present in the sheet? So basically enable the "Tasks"
dropdown on form only if the "Roll_No" they input is from the list in the

Thanks in advance
After this section of your code:

for each mycell in myrng.cells
if mycell.value = clng(me.textbox1.value) then
me.combobox1.additem mycell.offset(0,-1).value
end if
next mycell

if me.combobox1.listcount = 0 then
'nothing found
me.combobox1.enabled = false
me.combobox1.enabled = true
end if

You could even check beforehand:

me.combobox1.clear 'no matter what

if application.countif(myrng, me.textbox1.value) = 0 then
me.combobox1.enabled = false
me.combobox1.enabled = true 'just in case it was ever false
for each mycell in myrng.cells
if mycell.value = clng(me.textbox1.value) then
me.combobox1.additem mycell.offset(0,-1).value
end if
next mycell
end if
Hey Dave, Thanks a lot for all you help in getting this to work.

I was working on this and I came across an issue where students input values
in "Roll_No" field that are not present in the sheet. Is there a way where I
can disable the "Tasks" dropdown if they input an invalid "Roll_No" or a
"Roll_No" that is not present in the sheet? So basically enable the "Tasks"
dropdown on form only if the "Roll_No" they input is from the list in the

Thanks in advance
Before you go too far, as a user, I'd rather use a combobox to choose the id.
Then I don't have to do any typing.

If you want to try:

Create a new worksheet and name it "RollNumIDs". You can hide that sheet if you
want. It's just gonna be used by the code to get a unique list of those id's
(in a sorted order).

Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim TempWks As Worksheet
Dim TableWks As Worksheet
Dim RollNumRng As Range

Set TableWks = Worksheets("Sheet1") 'sheet with the table
Set TempWks = Worksheets("RollNumIDs")

With TableWks
Set RollNumRng = .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
End With

TempWks.Cells.Clear 'clean up any existing data

RollNumRng.AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
copytorange:=TempWks.Range("A1"), _

With TempWks
With .Columns(1)
.Cells.Sort Key1:=.Columns(1), _
Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End With

Me.ComboBox1.List = .Range("A2", .Cells(.Rows.Count,
End With
End Sub
Hey Dave, This is a good approach, But I have a lot of students and still
expecting more to come, So having a dropdown of abut 30-40 "Roll_No" would be
too long and it will keep on growint..
But this approach is great!

Thank you

Dave Peterson said:
Before you go too far, as a user, I'd rather use a combobox to choose the id.
Then I don't have to do any typing.

If you want to try:

Create a new worksheet and name it "RollNumIDs". You can hide that sheet if you
want. It's just gonna be used by the code to get a unique list of those id's
(in a sorted order).

Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim TempWks As Worksheet
Dim TableWks As Worksheet
Dim RollNumRng As Range

Set TableWks = Worksheets("Sheet1") 'sheet with the table
Set TempWks = Worksheets("RollNumIDs")

With TableWks
Set RollNumRng = .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
End With

TempWks.Cells.Clear 'clean up any existing data

RollNumRng.AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
copytorange:=TempWks.Range("A1"), _

With TempWks
With .Columns(1)
.Cells.Sort Key1:=.Columns(1), _
Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End With

Me.ComboBox1.List = .Range("A2", .Cells(.Rows.Count,
End With
End Sub
Hey Dave, Thanks for this.. It worked out great!

I am trying to create a button “Insert†in the same form.

What I want this button to do is:
When I click Insert.. It Opens a new workbook, Inserts the current student
details in first row(Roll_No, Task, ect.), SO basically Every time I hit this
“Insert†button I want to populate current student detail(Roll_No, Task,
ect.) in a new row.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance
dim newWks as worksheet

'new workbook with a single sheet
set newwks = workbooks.add(1).worksheets(1)

with newwks
.range("A1").value = me.textbox1.value 'roll_no
.range("B1").value = me.whatever.....
End with

with newwks.parent 'the new workbook
.saveas _
filename:="C:\newfilename_" & format(now,"yyyymmdd_hhmmss") & ".xls", _
.close savechanges:=false
end with

Hey Dave, Thanks for this.. It worked out great!

I am trying to create a button “Insert†in the same form.

What I want this button to do is:
When I click Insert.. It Opens a new workbook, Inserts the current student
details in first row(Roll_No, Task, ect.), SO basically Every time I hit this
“Insert†button I want to populate current student detail(Roll_No, Task,
ect.) in a new row.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance
Hey Dave, Rite now with this code it is saving seperate copies on clicking

I want to loop it through the same worksheet and save the data on the same
sheet but new row every time I hit "Insert"

SO when I click "Insert" after selecting a Task from the dropdown... I want
that Task and ROll no to populate in Row1, then If I input a different roll
no and select a Task for that and click "Insert" I want this to populate in
Row2 and so on.. Untill I manually save the workbook

Thanks in advance