Anytime I'm surfing and click a new link prior to the
current page completely finishing loading, IE has an
unrecoverable error. I error report all the time, but so
far no update or info on correcting the problem. To keep
IE from shutting down I have to use the "Stop" button any
time a page is slow to load. What can I change? Someone
once recommended I reset my uir settings, but I haven't
the foggiest what those are or how to change them.
Any help is appreciated!
current page completely finishing loading, IE has an
unrecoverable error. I error report all the time, but so
far no update or info on correcting the problem. To keep
IE from shutting down I have to use the "Stop" button any
time a page is slow to load. What can I change? Someone
once recommended I reset my uir settings, but I haven't
the foggiest what those are or how to change them.
Any help is appreciated!