Windows XP Please help - fatal error....

Mar 20, 2007
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Hi All
I have a serious Sony Vaio died last night, I tried installing some old software and it asked me to restart so I did, now it's stuck in a loop whereby it give the following error message:

STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}The Windows Logon Process System Process Terminated Unexpectedly With A STatus of
0x0000139 (0x00000000 0x00000000).
The system has been shutdown

For a while the system hasn't always fired up when I switched it on, it kind of froze at the Vaio picture when you switched it must surely be getting the feeling I'm rubbish with fixing my'd be right.

The problem is I really don't want to rub my hard drive and start again as the sony disks suggest - I'll lose everything over the last 5 years I've had it....and no I haven't backed anything up.

Can anyone help me - I only have access to a pc at work now, I'm getting married in a few weeks (everything I need is stuck in there) and I'm worried. I have tried doing the 'start last known good windows' thing, start in safe mode, pretty much all the menus I found when I hit F8 - I'm still stuck in the loop.

I'm using windows XP, am up to date on the updates, have Norton antivirus etc. I can;t get further than the blue screen of death......please help !!
that certainly looks like the error message I'm getting. The only thing I dont understand is how I can get the updated packs etc onto the computer as it just runs in a loop. typically it starts with the vaio screen, does the windows XP screen with the blue light flickering along the bottom, then theres a pause, then the blue screen for a split second, then back to the beginning.

how do i break the cycle to get back into windows to actually load repairs etc? Please treat me like a complete idiot - shouldn't be hard...!
Can you not start it in safe mode & see if that helps?
You may be able to correct the problem that way??
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no, no safe mode at all. i have the start up disk from sony but my only options seem to be to delete my c drive or to delete my c and d drive....not ideal !

i get the option to start up in safe mode, the safe mode screen loads for a second then the blue screen error pops up again and the cycle restarts....
Can you not start it up in Last Known Good Configuration?
This could at least get you back into the system?
same thing happens - its a real pain in the you-know-what !

i'd just like to get a way back in somehow, then i could at least save my important stuff to disk and have another pop at the recovery disks.

it seems like groundhog day in miniature for my laptop....