Praetorian Guard
This works if I call this from another batch file but does not work when run
manually in the command prompt. Removing the one % on %%a will run manually
in the command prompt. Can someone explain why?
FOR /F "TOKENS=1 DELIMS=." %%a IN ('DIR /B /S "D:\Backup\DOC\*.DOC"') DO
(wzzip %%~fpna_Weekly_%vday%_%vdate%.zip %%a.DOC) || GOTO :EOF
What does the two %% stands for?
Thank you in advance.
manually in the command prompt. Removing the one % on %%a will run manually
in the command prompt. Can someone explain why?
FOR /F "TOKENS=1 DELIMS=." %%a IN ('DIR /B /S "D:\Backup\DOC\*.DOC"') DO
(wzzip %%~fpna_Weekly_%vday%_%vdate%.zip %%a.DOC) || GOTO :EOF
What does the two %% stands for?
Thank you in advance.