Victor Smith
I am basically ignorant about networking, don't want to learn too much
about it, and figure somebody who does know can take a minute to give
me advice. I have googled, but after a couple hours haven't found a
clear answer to my specific needs, or maybe didn't recognize it.
I'll just lay out what I have, and what I want to do as clearly as I
can and ask anybody to provide answers to my questions.
I have Comcast cable TV and plan to order internet service.
I have a Netgear FR114P 4-port router.
All computers are running XP pro.
All computers have a NIC
Main computer in basement, where cable comes in.
I want to have cable internet access to:
Main computer in basement.
Daughter's computer upstairs.
Son's computer upstairs. But his is acting as a file server networked
to a second computer using his NIC and a crossover cable.
He wants to keep that.
I *don't* want Me/Son/Daughter to share anything except internet
I can run cable and install boxes myself.
I can install the Comcast cable modem myself.
But I know I don't know the best way to hook up the pieces.
How do I do it - what connects to what?
What pieces - besides cable and boxes - am I missing to hook this up
how I want?
Can you recommend good quality connectors?
Will download speed suffer from 3 computers downloading at once, and
is there a way to optimize downloads in that situation?
Can I expect beefing from Comcast if I don't configure this correctly?
about it, and figure somebody who does know can take a minute to give
me advice. I have googled, but after a couple hours haven't found a
clear answer to my specific needs, or maybe didn't recognize it.
I'll just lay out what I have, and what I want to do as clearly as I
can and ask anybody to provide answers to my questions.
I have Comcast cable TV and plan to order internet service.
I have a Netgear FR114P 4-port router.
All computers are running XP pro.
All computers have a NIC
Main computer in basement, where cable comes in.
I want to have cable internet access to:
Main computer in basement.
Daughter's computer upstairs.
Son's computer upstairs. But his is acting as a file server networked
to a second computer using his NIC and a crossover cable.
He wants to keep that.
I *don't* want Me/Son/Daughter to share anything except internet
I can run cable and install boxes myself.
I can install the Comcast cable modem myself.
But I know I don't know the best way to hook up the pieces.
How do I do it - what connects to what?
What pieces - besides cable and boxes - am I missing to hook this up
how I want?
Can you recommend good quality connectors?
Will download speed suffer from 3 computers downloading at once, and
is there a way to optimize downloads in that situation?
Can I expect beefing from Comcast if I don't configure this correctly?