Pleas Help with PC-WinXP CRASH. The Blue Screen

Feb 10, 2010
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I have an IBM think centre PC. I attempted to download some music mastering software, a free trial actually, and upon running it, Windows shut down. When I attempt to load it I get the BLUE screen with the stop codes of oxoooooed,ox89b46c08,0x0000009c and oxooooooo. Unmountable boot volume. When I attempt to load from last good config or in safe mode it ultimately returns me right back to the BLUE screen. I am begining not to like this screen at all. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it. Thanks for your time. :wall:
Welcome to the forums :) I have moved this thread to the Windows XP section.

The "Unmountable boot volume" error doesn't sound to good and it sounds like you'll need to boot from your Windows XP CD and load up the recovery console. This should let you repair the drive by typing "chkdsk /r".

If this fails, you may need to perform a clean install.