Playstation 3

Its all good, i still cant make up me mind, PS3 or Xbox360?????

Shame they just put the PS3 launch day back 6 months....... :rolleyes:
By the time the PS3 is released the XBOX 720 (did you see what I did?:rolleyes:) will be released.
I was always a Sony Playstation man until I realised when the PS2 was released and it took them so long for all the promises to be realised that I turned towards the XBOX.

Sounds good though:rolleyes:


Back 6 months?

Hmm dont wanna say I said so. But doya think it could be because of the price of incorporating the Bluray drive into the console. They are simply too expensive for Sony to fit them. The cost of the drive console would simply rocket beyond your average household price range.

All that and of course the substantial production of the new Cell chip for the PS3 will take the original release date well back as mentioned in the article, Late 2006.

I reckon it wont be released untill about christmas

But hey im not a mind reader, it's just a guess ;)
most consoles that have ever been sold actually lose the manufacturer money

they make up the difference in games sales

i will be waiting for a ps3. it looks superior, and apparently sony are thinking of putting the ageia physics stuff in it :O
I've been saying the PS3 won't come out till 2007 for a couple months now and i'm pretty sure I'm right.