MyndPhlyp said:
A lot of the old DOS programs went the way of the Dodo bird about the time
the 80486 was introduced (if my fuzzy mynd is recollecting correctly). They
(Intel) started dropping legacy command support in favor of faster
processing. That was about the only reason I abandoned my old WordStar and
SideKick combination. I'd be surprised if any of the old legacy DOS stuff
still works today.
Intel has nothing to do with it. It's all in the BIOS, which has been
much modified, but still retains the old functions.
Strangely enough, the basic PC hasn't changed that much. A CMOS real time
clock has been added, but the basic programed timer still exists. My
"Circus" program still plays in a DOS window in Win98, although it sounds
lousy since the case speaker has been replaced by a "transducer".
I still use Super-Calc as my normal spread sheet, and the old WordStar still
works just fine. I even added a mouse driver to it!
You can use debug to exercise "legacy command support", if you don't
remember how to write a DOS assembly program.
Virg Wall