Playing MP3 Sounds

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It seems that the PlaySound API doesnt support MP3 format files.Is there a
way to play mp3 sound files in Access XP thru code,other than using
Microsoft Agent?
Thank you for ur help.
Could you not tell it to open something like winamp or
windows media player which will open the .mp3 files?


The best 3rd party is MsAgent for me,Rather than WinAmp or something like
it.But when u need to repeatedly play sounds,such as reading more than 1000
names on a contiuous form and compare them with a table printed on a
paper,its kinda boring to have another program opened,and wait for it,in
each record to activate and play that sound.Its more preffered to have them
played directly from windows,such as a WAV file.Do u think there is a way or
an API to do this?
Thank you for ur attention.
I dont know unfortunatly.

Maybe one of teh MVP will be able to help you further.


Why not embed the Windows Media Player in a form of your Access App. I did
this a few years ago in an Accrss 97 app to display AVI and MPG's. Had up
to 9 small video clips playing on the screen at the same time. Don't see
any reason that it would not work in A2K or XP with MP3's.

Ron W