Anyone know what's the lowest speed Athlon system combined with a cheap(est)
128MB ATI card that can play HDTV video clips? I read to play HDTV clips a
128MB card is a requirement. Must be something to do with double or triple
buffering the HDTV frames. I've also read that for software playback ATI
cards are the best as they have some optimizations for assisting software
HDTV playback. Probably more than Nvidia cards.
Reason why I'm asking is I'm wondering whether I need to upgrade my
motherboard to something a lot better( I have an Abit KT7A which can take up
to 2.5ghz barton apparently but at the moment it's only got a 1.4ghz.)
Then again I might have to switch to a pentium 4 as one of the software HDTV
players I've seen on the net says software playback is only possible with an
ATI card combined with a pentium 4 processor. I know that Athlons are not
totally out of the picture however - my 1.4ghz chip has a fairly decent
effort at playing 720p HDTV video but it is a bit choppy and I'm still using
an old 32Mb GFMX card. How much of a performance increase would adding a
128Mb ATI card give?
So what's the lowest speed processor that's able to playback HDTV video? I
really don't want to upgrade my motherboard until a stable mainboard with
the new bus system is out for a decent period of time.
128MB ATI card that can play HDTV video clips? I read to play HDTV clips a
128MB card is a requirement. Must be something to do with double or triple
buffering the HDTV frames. I've also read that for software playback ATI
cards are the best as they have some optimizations for assisting software
HDTV playback. Probably more than Nvidia cards.
Reason why I'm asking is I'm wondering whether I need to upgrade my
motherboard to something a lot better( I have an Abit KT7A which can take up
to 2.5ghz barton apparently but at the moment it's only got a 1.4ghz.)
Then again I might have to switch to a pentium 4 as one of the software HDTV
players I've seen on the net says software playback is only possible with an
ATI card combined with a pentium 4 processor. I know that Athlons are not
totally out of the picture however - my 1.4ghz chip has a fairly decent
effort at playing 720p HDTV video but it is a bit choppy and I'm still using
an old 32Mb GFMX card. How much of a performance increase would adding a
128Mb ATI card give?
So what's the lowest speed processor that's able to playback HDTV video? I
really don't want to upgrade my motherboard until a stable mainboard with
the new bus system is out for a decent period of time.