This is from my post above, for some reason it didn't show up here before.
Anyway, you can definitely run this without'll work on the
desktop. Just for reference, running it on is very similar, but you
need to use core.dll vs. winnm.dll I've used this on many times and a
modified version on PPC so it'll definitely run for you.
public static extern bool PlaySound(string pszSound, int hmod, fdwSound);
public const int SND_FILENAME = 0x00020000;
public const it SND_ASYNC = 0x0001;
Then to call it
PlaySound("WavFileYouWantToPlay.wav", 0 , SND_FILENAME| SND_ASYNC);
Let me know if you have any troubles.
Check out the PlaySound API. When the form loads or closes you can just
fire it with whatever sound you want.
BTW, I got this from .NET Framework Solutions, In Search of the Lost Win32
API by John Paul Meuller. He's got some pretty cool stuff in many different
areas, but rolling custom messageboxes is particularly cool. He shows you
how to add help menus to them and a lot of other neat tricks.
Good Luck,