Play Fallout Shelter on PC

Article Play Fallout Shelter on PC


Feb 23, 2002
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Ian submitted a new article:

Play Fallout Shelter on PC - Tutorial on how to play the Android version of Fallout Shelter on your PC

Fallout Shelter is a recently released game for Android and iOS that has become extremely popular. Unfortunately, there's no PC version of it and if you're playing on a phone you may find it a little awkward (on a tablet, it is great!).

Thankfully, with a few clever workarounds you can play this game on your PC in less than 10 minutes! It is extremely playable and works flawlessly. Essentially, we're playing the same Android version inside an emulator.

To begin, you'll need to download and...

Read more about this article...
I have a question,

I want to play my awesome ANDROID version of Fallout shelter on my PC but cannot find where the files are saved on the computer to copy my android files too... I installed the Emulator and it works great. Any ideas where I could copy the folder content from my Android Fallout Shelter to the PC? It's awesome to be able to play on a PC instead of a cell phone LOL. I want to play my AWESOME one from my phone is all...
Welcome to the forums @Bubbbaaa :).

You can transfer saved games quite easily, but you'll need to install ES File Explorer.

The saved games are stored in:

/storage/sdcard/android/data/com.bethsoft.falloutshelter/files/VaultX.sav (x = 1,2,3)

Backup that file somewhere to transfer to your PC. Then copy that file to:


You can access this within Bluestacks from the sdcard/windows/BstSharedFolder folder (like this). Copy that back to the original saved game location and you're all set :). Just make sure the game isn't running when you do it.
BTW, another tip for anyone struggling with zoom levels - press CTRL and use the scroll wheel to zoom :).
BTW, another tip for anyone struggling with zoom levels - press CTRL and use the scroll wheel to zoom :).

THANK YOU much :) I was wondering that too. However, in just checking it now as Im writing this post, it only zooms out as far as if you double clicked a room. Unlike the cellphone, you can zoom out far, stopping animation. The game on my phone has 94 DWELLERS and 24 rooms so far, and growing. The zoom way out feature is great for my larger game. Is there a way to get BlueStacks PC version zoomed out the same way as a cellphone?

Disregard the Zoom question above. It did not work for me because it was in a reduced window and not FULL SCREEN window. It zooms the way I mentioned in full screen...

I wanted to ask and sorry for my ignorance, this is all new to me working a "cell" on a PC (Emulated) lol. With the saved file now in the shared folder, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to "move/copy" it to the required folder to be able to play it... Thank you again for all your help

Bub :)

PS - I figured it out and thank you so much. I did not know I had to edit settings on the file SF file manager. Once I did so, could "select" the backed up file from my sell to the required directory. I tested it and it works :) YAY! finally hehe
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Excellent, glad the zoom is working :).

If you've moving it on the android phone in ES File explorer you'll need to do a long click to bring up the copy/paste options.