Max André Bündchen
I'm starting a project that will work in many clients and a requiriment is a plataform agnostic system. The idea behind the project
is a winform client based interface with a webservice communication middle tier.
In .Net 2.0, it's very easy to develop and deploy for Windows. My question is about the initiatives to run complex .Net systems in
agnostic plataform way (like Linux). There's real perspectives to make this work fine (some projects like Mono appear promising in
the short time).
Some resources like WSE 3.0 is not supported by Mono, and the EL shouldn't work too. It's a problem, but I'm thinking in a "pure"
..Net 2.0 system.
I would like some suppositions about that, especially from anyone with an experience with this agnostic frameworks for .Net.
I'm starting a project that will work in many clients and a requiriment is a plataform agnostic system. The idea behind the project
is a winform client based interface with a webservice communication middle tier.
In .Net 2.0, it's very easy to develop and deploy for Windows. My question is about the initiatives to run complex .Net systems in
agnostic plataform way (like Linux). There's real perspectives to make this work fine (some projects like Mono appear promising in
the short time).
Some resources like WSE 3.0 is not supported by Mono, and the EL shouldn't work too. It's a problem, but I'm thinking in a "pure"
..Net 2.0 system.
I would like some suppositions about that, especially from anyone with an experience with this agnostic frameworks for .Net.