Placing forms in folders

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eliezer
  • Start date Start date


Is there any way to have within MS Access folders for
form? For example, if I have seven forms that relate to
fruit, and seven for vegetables, I would normally have
fourteen forms in the "forms" section. Is there a way that
within the forms section I could create two folders, one
named fruit and one named vegetables, and have correct
forms within them? Thanks in advance -

In recent versions of Access you have a 'Groups' option in the database
window. (I *think* the feature was first introduced in Access 2000, but I
can't remember for sure, it *might* have been new in Access 2002). Just
right-click below the word 'Groups' in the database window and choose 'New
Group' from the pop-up menu.
Hello Brendan -
I'm aware of groups (you were right on your first guess,
it was new to Access 2000). The thing is, what I'm
actually trying to accomplish is not able to be done by
groups. I have a database with about 100 or so forms, and
we're trying to sort them so that it's easier to navigate
the forms pane. With folders, I could move about fifty of
those - which all belong to one group - into their own